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What's the difference between external sorting and internal sorting? [closed]

What's the difference between external sorting and internal sorting? I don't see how wether the input data can be stored in RAM or not has to do with the algorithm.

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Celeritas Avatar asked Apr 10 '12 05:04


People also ask

What is the difference between external sorting and internal sorting?

Internal sorting: If the input data is such that it can be adjusted in the main memory at once, it is called internal sorting. External sorting: If the input data is such that it cannot be adjusted in the memory entirely at once, it needs to be stored in a hard disk, floppy disk, or any other storage device.

What is external internal sorting?

In summary, we use internal sorting when the dataset is relatively small enough to fit within the RAM of the computer and external sorting when the dataset is large and it utilizes algorithms that have minimum space complexity.

What is internal & external sorting give example?

Some example internal sorting algorithms are Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Heap Sort, Shell Sort, Bucket Sort, Quick. Sort, Radix Sort. • Any sort algorithm that uses external memory, such as tape or disk, during. the sorting is called as external sort algorithms.

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What are the three types of sorting? The three types of basic sorting are bubble sort, insertion sort and selection sort.

1 Answers

In internal sorting all the data to sort is stored in memory at all times while sorting is in progress. In external sorting data is stored outside memory (like on disk) and only loaded into memory in small chunks. External sorting is usually applied in cases when data can't fit into memory entirely.

So in internal sorting you can do something like shell sort - just access whatever array elements you want at whatever moment you want. You can't do that in external sorting - the array is not entirely in memory, so you can't just randomly access any element in memory and accessing it randomly on disk is usually extremely slow. The external sorting algorithm has to deal with loading and unloading chunks of data in optimal manner.

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sharptooth Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 19:10
