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Segment tree implementation in Python

I am solving this problem using segment tree but I get time limit error. Below is my raw code for range minimum query and by changing min to max in my code the above problem can be solved . I don't know how I can improve the performance of my code. Can you help me with its performance issues ?

t = [None] * 2 * 7      # n is length of list

def build(a, v, start, end):
    A recursive function that constructs Segment Tree for list a.
    v is the starting node
    start and end are the index of array

    n = len(a)
    if start == end:
        t[v] = a[start]
        mid = (start + end) / 2
        build(a, v * 2, start, mid)     # v*2 is left child of parent v
        # v*2+1 is the right child of parent v
        build(a, v * 2 + 1, mid + 1, end)
        t[v] = min(t[2 * v], t[2 * v + 1])
    return t

print build([18, 17, 13, 19, 15, 11, 20], 1, 0, 6)

inf = 10**9 + 7

def range_minimum_query(node, segx, segy, qx, qy):
    returns the minimum number in range(qx,qy)
    segx and segy represent the segment index

    if qx > segy or qy < segx:      # query out of range
        return inf
    elif segx >= qx and segy <= qy:  # query range inside segment range
        return t[node]
        return min(range_minimum_query(node * 2, segx, (segx + segy) / 2, qx, qy), range_minimum_query(node * 2 + 1, ((segx + segy) / 2) + 1, segy, qx, qy))

print range_minimum_query(1, 1, 7, 1, 3)

# returns 13

Can this be implemented iteratively ?

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sid597 Avatar asked Dec 11 '16 11:12


People also ask

How do you create a segment tree in Python?

So, we can easily construct a segment tree for this array using a 2*N sized array where N is the number of elements in the original array. The leaf nodes will start from index N in this array and will go up to index (2*N – 1).

How do you code a segment tree?

Construction of Segment Tree from the given array: We start with a segment arr[0 . . . n-1]. and every time we divide the current segment into two (if it has not yet become a segment of length 1), and then call the same procedure on both halves, and for each such segment, we store the sum in the corresponding node.

What is segment in Python?

Segment's Python library lets you record analytics data from your Python code. The requests hit Segment's servers, and then Segment routes your data to any analytics service you enable on your destinations page. This library is open-source, so you can check it out on GitHub.

What is segment tree in DSA?

In computer science, a segment tree, also known as a statistic tree, is a tree data structure used for storing information about intervals, or segments. It allows querying which of the stored segments contain a given point.

2 Answers

Choice of Language

First, you probably will never pass the grader if you use python. If you look at the status of all past solutions here, http://www.spoj.com/status/GSS1/start=0 , you will see that every almost every accepted solution has been written in C++. I do not think you have a choice but to use C++. Notice how the time limit is 0.115s-0.230s. That's an "only-for-C/C++" time limit. For problems that will accept solutions in other languages, the time limit will be a "round" number like 1 second. Python is about 2-4x slower than C++ in this type of environment.

Segment Tree Implementation Issues...?

Second, I'm not sure if your code is actually constructing a segment tree. Specifically, I don't understand why this line is there:


I'm pretty sure a node in a segment tree stores the sum of its children, so if your implementation is close to correct, I think it should instead read

t[v] = t[2*v] + t[2*v+1]

If your code is "correct", then I would question how you are finding the maximum interval sum within the range [x_i, y_i] if you don't even store the interval sums.

Iterative Segment Tree

Third, a segment tree can be implemented iteratively. Here is a tutorial in C++: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/18051 .

Segment tree isn't supposed to be fast enough for this...

Finally, I don't understand how a segment tree is going to help you for this problem. A segment tree lets you query the sum of a range in log(n). This problem asks for the maximum possible sum of any range. I have not heard of a segment tree that allows for "range minimum query" or "range maximum query."

A naive solution will be O(n^3) (try all n^2 possible start and end points and compute the sum in O(n) operations) for 1 query. And, if you use a segment tree, you can get the sum in O(log(n)) instead of O(n). That only speeds you up to O(n^2 log(n)), which cannot work for N = 50000.

Alternative algorithm

I think you should be looking at this instead, which runs in O(n) per query: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/ . Write it in C/C++ and be efficient with IO as one commenter suggested.

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user2570465 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10


You can give a try with generators as you can go around a lot of limitations. However you did not provide a dataset which shows your performances issues clearly - can you provide a problematic dataset ?

Here you can try :


def build_generator(a, v, start, end):
    n = len(a)

    if start == end:
        t[v] = a[start]
        mid = (start + end) / 2
        next(build_generator(a, v * 2, start, mid))
        next(build_generator(a, v * 2 + 1, mid + 1, end))
        t[v] = min(t[2 * v], t[2 * v + 1])
    yield t

def range_minimum_query_generator(node,segx,segy,qx,qy):
    if qx > segy or qy < segx:
        yield inf
    elif segx >= qx and segy <= qy:
        yield t[node]
        min_ = min(
        yield min_

value = next(range_minimum_query_generator(1, 1, 7, 1, 3))


In fact that may not fix your issues. There is another way to workaround any recursion limits (as described by D. Beazley in its tutorial on generators - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1twn9kLmYg&t=9588s around the timecode 2h00)

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Pierre Alex Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10

Pierre Alex