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Sed: How to replace a string found after a specific pattern is located in a file

If I have the following list in a file:

integer, parameter :: ni = 1024
integer, parameter :: nj = 256
integer, parameter :: nk = 16

and want to search based on the string 'ni =', and then replace the string that follows (in this case '1024') with a new string like '512' for example (I would like to preserve the space). How can I use sed for this? Note that I would like to just essentially wipe anything that comes after the equal sign, this is because sometimes the string will not be a simple integer, it might be something like '1.D0'. And in some cases there may be comments ahead. So I just want to wipe out whatever is in front of the equal sign and replace with the new value.

The result would be:

integer, parameter :: ni = 512
integer, parameter :: nj = 256
integer, parameter :: nk = 16
like image 334
Isopycnal Oscillation Avatar asked Nov 02 '13 00:11

Isopycnal Oscillation

People also ask

How do you replace some text pattern with another text pattern in a file?

`sed` command is one of the ways to do replacement task. This command can be used to replace text in a string or a file by using a different pattern.

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Find and replace text within a file using sed command Use Stream EDitor (sed) as follows: sed -i 's/old-text/new-text/g' input. txt. The s is the substitute command of sed for find and replace.

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The sed command can add a new line after a pattern match is found. The "a" command to sed tells it to add a new line after a match is found. The sed command can add a new line before a pattern match is found. The "i" command to sed tells it to add a new line before a match is found.

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How SED Works. In the syntax, you only need to provide a suitable “new string” name that you want to be placed with the “old string”. Of course, the old string name needs to be entered as well. Then, provide the file name in the place of “file_name” from where the old string will be found and replaced.

3 Answers

GNU sed supports extended regular expressions if you give it the -r flag.

sed -re 's/(:: ni =)[^=]*$/\1 512/' file

Better yet, match for multiple whitespace.

sed -re 's/(::\s+ni\s+=)[^=]*$/\1 512/' file

The \1 is a reference to what's matched in parentheses ( ), so we replace with \1 and a new value.

like image 68
hwnd Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10


If I understand you correctly, something like this should do it:

sed 's/\(ni = \).*/\1REPLACEMENT/'

like image 26
user2719058 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10


sed -e 's/:: ni = [0-9][0-9]*$/:: ni = 512/'

This looks for plausible context around the match specified to minimize the chance of finding ni somewhere in another string.

like image 31
Jonathan Leffler Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Jonathan Leffler