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Secure way to store password in Windows

I'm trying to protect a local database that contains sensitive info (similar to this question, only for delphi 2010)

I'm using DISQLite component, which does support AES encryption, but I still need to protect this password I use to decrypt & read the database.

My initial idea was to generate a random password, store it using something like DPAPI (CryptProtectData and CryptUnprotectData functions found in Crypt32.dll), but I couldn't find any example on that for Delphi

My question is: how can I safely store a randomly generated password? Or, assuming the DPAPI road is secure, how can I implement this DPAPI in Delphi?

like image 369
TheDude Avatar asked Oct 30 '12 18:10


People also ask

Which is the most secure way to store password?

Try using a desktop application like KeePassXC. It stores encrypted versions of all your passwords into an encrypted digital vault that keeps you secure with a master password, a key file, or both.

Is it safe to store passwords on computer?

If your computer or mobile device is unlocked, your saved passwords are vulnerable. In many cases, a criminal would simply need to open the app to gain access to your sensitive information. OK, you might be extra vigilant when it comes to keeping your phone or computer locked.

How do I save a password in Windows security?

Password saving is turned on by default in Internet Explorer, but here's how to turn it on or off: In Internet Explorer, select the Tools button , and then select Internet options. On the Content tab, under AutoComplete, select Settings. Select the User names and passwords on forms check box, and then select OK.

2 Answers

It's better to use Windows' DPAPI. It's much more secure than using other methods:

  • CryptProtectData / CryptProtectMemory
  • CryptUnprotectData / CryptUnprotectMemory

CryptProtectMemory / CryptUnprotectMemory offer more flexibility:

  • CRYPTPROTECTMEMORY_SAME_PROCESS: only your process can decrypt your data
  • CRYPTPROTECTMEMORY_CROSS_PROCESS: any process can dectypt your data
  • CRYPTPROTECTMEMORY_SAME_LOGON: only processes running with the same user and in the same session can decrypt data


  1. No need to have a key - Windows do it for you
  2. Granular control: per process / per session / per login / per machine
  3. CryptProtectData exists in Windows 2000 and newer
  4. DPAPI Windows is more secure than using "security" related code written from you, me and the people that believe Random() returns absolutely random number :) In fact Microsoft has decades of experience in the security field, having the most attacked OS ever :o)


  1. In the case of CRYPTPROTECTMEMORY_SAME_PROCESS One* can just inject a new thread in your process and this thread can decrypt your data
  2. If someone reset user's password (not change) you will be unable to decrypt your data
  3. In the case of CRYPTPROTECTMEMORY_SAME_LOGON: if the user* run hacked process it can decrypt your data
  4. If you use CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE - every user* on that machine can decrypt the data. This is why it's not recommended to save passwords in .RDP files
  5. Known issues

Note: "every user" is a user who has tools or skills to use DPAPI

Anyway - you have a choice.

Note that @David-Heffernan is right - anything stored on the computer can be decrypted - reading it from memory, injecting threads in your process etc.

On the other hand ... why don't we make cracker's life harder? :)

Rule of thumb: clear all buffers that contain sensitive data after using them. This doesn't make things super safe, but decreases the possibility your memory to contain sensitive data. Of course this doesn't solve the other major problem: how other Delphi components handle the sensitive data you pass to them :)

Security Library by JEDI has object oriented approach to DPAPI. Also JEDI project contains translated windows headers for DPAPI (JWA IIRC)

UPDATE: Here's sample code that uses DPAPI (using JEDI API):

Uses SysUtils, jwaWinCrypt, jwaWinBase, jwaWinType;

function dpApiProtectData(var fpDataIn: tBytes): tBytes;
  dataIn,               // Input buffer (clear-text/data)
  dataOut: DATA_BLOB;   // Output buffer (encrypted)
  // Initializing variables
  dataOut.cbData := 0;
  dataOut.pbData := nil;

  dataIn.cbData := length(fpDataIn); // How much data (in bytes) we want to encrypt
  dataIn.pbData := @fpDataIn[0];     // Pointer to the data itself - the address of the first element of the input byte array

  if not CryptProtectData(@dataIn, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0, @dataOut) then
    RaiseLastOSError; // Bad things happen sometimes

  // Copy the encrypted bytes to RESULT variable
  setLength(result, dataOut.cbData);
  move(dataOut.pbData^, result[0], dataOut.cbData);
  LocalFree(HLOCAL(dataOut.pbData));                  // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380261(v=vs.85).aspx
//  fillChar(fpDataIn[0], length(fpDataIn), #0);  // Eventually erase input buffer i.e. not to leave sensitive data in memory

function dpApiUnprotectData(fpDataIn: tBytes): tBytes;
  dataIn,               // Input buffer (clear-text/data)
  dataOut: DATA_BLOB;   // Output buffer (encrypted)
  dataOut.cbData := 0;
  dataOut.pbData := nil;

  dataIn.cbData := length(fpDataIn);
  dataIn.pbData := @fpDataIn[0];

  if not CryptUnprotectData(
    0,         // Possible flags: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380261%28v=vs.85%29.aspx 
               // 0 (zero) means only the user that encrypted the data will be able to decrypt it
  ) then

  setLength(result, dataOut.cbData);                  // Copy decrypted bytes in the RESULT variable
  move(dataOut.pbData^, result[0], dataOut.cbData);   
  LocalFree(HLOCAL(dataOut.pbData));                  // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380882%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

procedure testDpApi;
  bytesClearTextIn,       // Holds input bytes
  bytesClearTextOut,      // Holds output bytes
  bytesEncrypted: tBytes; // Holds the resulting encrypted bytes
  strIn, strOut: string;  // Input / Output strings

  strIn := 'Some Secret Data Here';

  // Copy string contents to bytesClearTextIn
  // NB: this works for STRING type only!!! (AnsiString / UnicodeString)
  setLength(bytesClearTextIn, length(strIn) * sizeOf(char));
  move(strIn[1], bytesClearTextIn[0], length(strIn) * sizeOf(char));

  bytesEncrypted := dpApiProtectData(bytesClearTextIn);     // Encrypt data

  bytesClearTextOut := dpApiUnprotectData(bytesEncrypted);  // Decrypt data

  // Copy decrypted bytes (bytesClearTextOut) to the output string variable
  // NB: this works for STRING type only!!! (AnsiString / UnicodeString)    
  setLength(strOut, length(bytesClearTextOut) div sizeOf(char));
  move(bytesClearTextOut[0], strOut[1], length(bytesClearTextOut));

  assert(strOut = strIn, 'Boom!');  // Boom should never booom :)



  • The example is lightweight version of using CryptProtectData / CryptUnprotectData;
  • Encryption is byte oriented so it's easier to use tBytes (tBytes = array of byte);
  • If input and output string are UTF8String, then remove "* sizeOf(char)", because UTF8String's char is 1 byte only
  • The use of CryptProtectMemory / CryptUnProtectMemory is similar
like image 163
iPath ツ Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10

iPath ツ

If your issue is simply to save the user from having to type a password every time, you should know that Windows already has a password storage system.

If you go to Control Panel -> Credential Manager. From there you are looking for Windows Credentials -> Generic Credentials.

From there you can see that it is the same place that things like Remote Desktop passwords are stored:

enter image description here

The API that exposes this functionality is CredRead, CredWrite, and CredDelete.

I wrapped these up in three functions:

function CredReadGenericCredentials(const Target: UnicodeString; var Username, Password: UnicodeString): Boolean;
function CredWriteGenericCredentials(const Target, Username, Password: UnicodeString): Boolean;
function CredDeleteGenericCredentials(const Target: UnicodeString): Boolean;

The target is the thing to identify the credentails. I usually use the application name.

String target = ExtractFilename(ParamStr(0)); //e.g. 'Contoso.exe'

So then it's simply:

CredWriteGenericCredentials(ExtractFilename(ParamStr(0)), username, password);

You can then see them in the Credential Manager:

enter image description here

When you want to read them back:

CredReadGenericCredentials(ExtractFilename(ParamStr(0)), {var}username, {var}password);

There is the extra piece of UI work where you have to:

  • detect that there were no stored credentials, and prompt the user for credentials
  • detect that the saved username/password didn't work and prompt for new/correct credentials, try connecting, and save the new correct credentials

Reading stored credentials:

function CredReadGenericCredentials(const Target: UnicodeString; var Username, Password: UnicodeString): Boolean;
    credential: PCREDENTIALW;
    le: DWORD;
    s: string;
    Result := False;

    credential := nil;
    if not CredReadW(Target, CRED_TYPE_GENERIC, 0, {var}credential) then
        le := GetLastError;
        s := 'Could not get "'+Target+'" generic credentials: '+SysErrorMessage(le)+' '+IntToStr(le);

        username := Credential.UserName;
        password := WideCharToWideString(PWideChar(Credential.CredentialBlob), Credential.CredentialBlobSize div 2); //By convention blobs that contain strings do not have a trailing NULL.

    Result := True;

Writing stored credentials:

function CredWriteGenericCredentials(const Target, Username, Password: UnicodeString): Boolean;
    persistType: DWORD;
    Credentials: CREDENTIALW;
    le: DWORD;
    s: string;
    ZeroMemory(@Credentials, SizeOf(Credentials));
    Credentials.TargetName := PWideChar(Target); //cannot be longer than CRED_MAX_GENERIC_TARGET_NAME_LENGTH (32767) characters. Recommended format "Company_Target"
    Credentials.Type_ := CRED_TYPE_GENERIC;
    Credentials.UserName := PWideChar(Username);
    Credentials.Persist := CRED_PERSIST_LOCAL_MACHINE;
    Credentials.CredentialBlob := PByte(Password);
    Credentials.CredentialBlobSize := 2*(Length(Password)); //By convention no trailing null. Cannot be longer than CRED_MAX_CREDENTIAL_BLOB_SIZE (512) bytes
    Credentials.UserName := PWideChar(Username);
    Result := CredWriteW(Credentials, 0);

And then delete:

function CredDeleteGenericCredentials(const Target: UnicodeString): Boolean;
    Result := CredDelete(Target, CRED_TYPE_GENERIC);

CredRead is a wrapper around CryptProtectData

It should be noted that CredWrite/CredRead internally uses CryptProtectData.

  • It just also chooses to store the credentials someplace for you
  • It also provides a UI for the user to see, manage, and even manually enter and change the saved credentials

The difference by using CryptProtectData yourself is that you're only given a blob. It's up to you to store it somewhere, and retrieve it later.

Here's nice wrappers around CryptProtectData and CryptUnprotectData when storing passwords:

function EncryptString(const Plaintext: UnicodeString; const AdditionalEntropy: UnicodeString): TBytes;
function DecryptString(const Blob: TBytes; const AdditionalEntropy: UnicodeString): UnicodeString;

which is easy enough to use:

procedure TForm1.TestStringEncryption;
    encryptedBlob: TBytes;
    plainText: UnicodeString;
    Salt = 'Salt doesn''t have to be secret; just different from the next application';
    encryptedBlob := EncryptString('correct battery horse staple', Salt);

    plainText := DecryptString(encryptedBlob, salt);

    if plainText <> 'correct battery horse staple' then
        raise Exception.Create('String encryption self-test failed');

The actual guts are:

    DATA_BLOB = record
            cbData: DWORD;
            pbData: PByte;


function CryptProtectData(const DataIn: DATA_BLOB; szDataDescr: PWideChar; OptionalEntropy: PDATA_BLOB; Reserved: Pointer; PromptStruct: Pointer{PCRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT}; dwFlags: DWORD; var DataOut: DATA_BLOB): BOOL; stdcall; external 'Crypt32.dll' name 'CryptProtectData';
function CryptUnprotectData(const DataIn: DATA_BLOB; szDataDescr: PPWideChar; OptionalEntropy: PDATA_BLOB; Reserved: Pointer; PromptStruct: Pointer{PCRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT}; dwFlags: DWORD; var DataOut: DATA_BLOB): Bool; stdcall; external 'Crypt32.dll' name 'CryptUnprotectData';

function EncryptString(const Plaintext: UnicodeString; const AdditionalEntropy: UnicodeString): TBytes;
    blobIn: DATA_BLOB;
    blobOut: DATA_BLOB;
    entropyBlob: DATA_BLOB;
    pEntropy: Pointer;
    bRes: Boolean;
    blobIn.pbData := Pointer(PlainText);
    blobIn.cbData := Length(PlainText)*SizeOf(WideChar);

    if AdditionalEntropy <> '' then
        entropyBlob.pbData := Pointer(AdditionalEntropy);
        entropyBlob.cbData := Length(AdditionalEntropy)*SizeOf(WideChar);
        pEntropy := @entropyBlob;
        pEntropy := nil;

    bRes := CryptProtectData(
            nil, //data description (PWideChar)
            pentropy, //optional entropy (PDATA_BLOB)
            nil, //reserved
            nil, //prompt struct
            CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, //flags
    if not bRes then

    //Move output blob into resulting TBytes
    SetLength(Result, blobOut.cbData);
    Move(blobOut.pbData^, Result[0], blobOut.cbData);

    // When you have finished using the DATA_BLOB structure, free its pbData member by calling the LocalFree function

And decrypting:

function DecryptString(const blob: TBytes; const AdditionalEntropy: UnicodeString): UnicodeString;
    dataIn: DATA_BLOB;
    entropyBlob: DATA_BLOB;
    pentropy: PDATA_BLOB;
    dataOut: DATA_BLOB;
    bRes: BOOL;
    dataIn.pbData := Pointer(blob);
    dataIn.cbData := Length(blob);

    if AdditionalEntropy <> '' then
        entropyBlob.pbData := Pointer(AdditionalEntropy);
        entropyBlob.cbData := Length(AdditionalEntropy)*SizeOf(WideChar);
        pentropy := @entropyBlob;
        pentropy := nil;

    bRes := CryptUnprotectData(
            nil, //data description (PWideChar)
            pentropy, //optional entropy (PDATA_BLOB)
            nil, //reserved
            nil, //prompt struct
    if not bRes then

    SetLength(Result, dataOut.cbData div 2);
    Move(dataOut.pbData^, Result[1], dataOut.cbData);
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Ian Boyd Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10

Ian Boyd