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Search MS word files in a directory for specific content in Linux

I have a directory structure full of MS word files and I have to search the directory for particular string. Until now I was using the following command to search files for in a directory

find . -exec grep -li 'search_string' {} \;

find . -name '*' -print | xargs grep 'search_string'

But, this search doesn't work for MS word files.

Is it possible to do string search in MS word files in Linux?

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JoshMachine Avatar asked Jul 12 '12 23:07


People also ask

How do I search for a specific word in a directory in Linux?

Grep is a Linux / Unix command-line tool used to search for a string of characters in a specified file. The text search pattern is called a regular expression. When it finds a match, it prints the line with the result. The grep command is handy when searching through large log files.

How do I search for a specific word in multiple files in Linux?

A simple way to work this out is by using grep pattern searching tool, is a powerful, efficient, reliable and most popular command-line utility for finding patterns and words from files or directories on Unix-like systems.

Can you search for a word document by content?

To open the Find pane from the Edit View, press Ctrl+F, or click Home > Find. Find text by typing it in the Search the document for… box. Word Web App starts searching as soon as you start typing.

2 Answers

I'm a translator and know next to nothing about scripting but I was so pissed off about grep not being able to scan inside Word .doc files that I worked out how to make this little shell script to use catdoc and grep to search a directory of .doc files for a given input string.

You need to install catdocand docx2txt packages

   echo -e "\n
Welcome to scandocs. This will search .doc AND .docx files in this directory for a given string. \n
Type in the text string you want to find... \n"
   read response
   find . -name "*.doc" | 
       while read i; do catdoc "$i" | 
                 grep --color=auto -iH --label="$i" "$response"; done
   find . -name "*.docx" | 
       while read i; do docx2txt < "$i" | 
                 grep --color=auto -iH --label="$i" "$response"; done

All improvements and suggestions welcome!

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Ralph Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 20:10


Here's a way to use "unzip" to print the entire contents to standard output, then pipe to "grep -q" to detect whether the desired string is present in the output. It works for docx format files.

PROG=`basename $0`

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
  echo "Usage: $PROG string file.docx [file.docx...]"
  exit 1


for file in $@
  unzip -p "$file" | grep -q "$findme"
  [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$file"

Save the script as "inword" and search for "wombat" in three files with:

$ ./inword wombat file1.docx file2.docx file3.docx

Now you know file2.docx contains "wombat". You can get fancier by adding support for other grep options. Have fun.

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DanB Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 20:10
