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Arch (xbacklight): No outputs have backlight property

I have two folders in my /sys/class/backlight:

1> acpi_video0 2> intel_backlight

The intel_backlight is useless because I can use the following command to adjust brightness in acpi_video0 (I'm running Nvidia drivers):

e.g: echo 50 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness

Problem: Using xbacklight -inc +5 outputs: "No outputs have backlight property" so I need to get it to use acpi_video0

So far, I have tried to rm the intel_backlight folder completely with no luck (using both sudo and changing permission to 777 recursively).

I just wanna be able to hotkey the xbacklight to increment and decrement brightness. I can set brightness in acpi_video0 to a hard value using echo but don't know how to adjust it in increments.

Kindly advise further!

Regards :)

EDIT 1: (POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE) For anyone with this problem in the future, install xcalib. (Setup: Arch Linux w/ i3 window manager)

yaourt -S xcalib

And the following hotkey assignment (i3 in my case) in the config file:

# Brightness control reset screen (100% brightness)
bindsym Mod1+Up exec xcalib -c
# Brightness control down
bindsym Mod1+Down exec xcalib -co 95 -a
like image 471
catharchy Avatar asked May 26 '14 08:05


People also ask

Does Xbacklight work with AMD?

xbacklight only works with Intel.

What is Xbacklight?

Xbacklight is used to adjust the backlight brightness where supported. It finds all outputs on the X server supporting backlight brightness control and changes them all in the same way. -get. Print out the current backlight brightness of each output with such a control.

1 Answers

EDIT: I found this question because I had the same output error: no outputs have backlight property. light solved this with no further tinkering.

A better alternative to xcalib (which doesn't adjust backlight; won't save battery power): light available in community/light.


  • light -U 20 decrease backlight 20%
  • light -A 20 increase 20%
  • light -S 50 set backlight to 50%

Found here wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/backlight (thanks @icbytes).

like image 113
jrdccx Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
