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Search a MySQL column with a JSON string for a specific value





I currently have a MySQL table that contains a column to store category ids. These ids are stored in a JSON string. I am looking for the most efficient method to query these JSON string for a specific id.

For example:

Table: posts

Field: cats

Here are some example values for the JSON string in the cats column:

[111, 123, 456]

[123, 345, 999]

[555, 777, 888]

Let's say I want to query for all rows that contain the id: "123" within the JSON string. I know I can accomplish this using a series of LIKE comparisons but I'm sure there is a more efficient way to query the JSON strings. Any other ideas would be much appreciated.


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VerySeriousSoftwareEndeavours Avatar asked Mar 30 '16 22:03


People also ask

How do I query a JSON column in MySQL?

MySQL provides two operators ( -> and ->> ) to extract data from JSON columns. ->> will get the string value while -> will fetch value without quotes. As you can see ->> returns output as quoted strings, while -> returns values as they are. You can also use these operators in WHERE clause as shown below.

How can I get specific data from JSON in SQL?

To query JSON data, you can use standard T-SQL. If you must create a query or report on JSON data, you can easily convert JSON data to rows and columns by calling the OPENJSON rowset function. For more information, see Convert JSON Data to Rows and Columns with OPENJSON (SQL Server).

How do I index a JSON column in MySQL?

In MySQL, the only way to index a JSON path expression is to add a virtual column that mirrors the path expression in question and build an index on the virtual column. As you can see, the title column is mapped to the $. title path expression on the properties JSON column.

3 Answers

cats must contains: {"ids": [2,4,6,7]}

WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(posts.cats->"$.ids", '[2]');

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nikolay.hristov Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11


There is a strong discussion of storing JSON values (Storing Data in MySQL as JSON) but you could use native mysql functions for this:

Mysql official doc: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-functions.html

In the

Functions That Search JSON Values

there is :

mysql> SET @j = '{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": {"d": 4}}';
mysql> SET @j2 = '1';
mysql> SELECT JSON_CONTAINS(@j, @j2, '$.a');

or with REGEX something like:

SELECT * FROM posts where cats  REGEXP '"id":"[[:<:]]123[[:>:]]"';

or with:

extract_json_value( json_text TEXT CHARSET utf8 xpath TEXT CHARSET utf8 ) RETURNS TEXT CHARSET utf8

Here a good post to deal with JSON on mysql: http://rpbouman.blogspot.com.es/2015/11/mysql-few-observations-on-json-type.html

Hope it helps!

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JP. Aulet Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 20:11

JP. Aulet


Should work. MySQL 5.7 supports JSON types.

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csn Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
