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SQL Query to get the Sum of all column values in the last row of a resultset along with row sum (group by)

Can someone please help me to write a query to obtain the TCS and TRS?

ID  Jan Feb Mar TRS
1   4   5   6   15
2   5   5   5   15
3   1   1   1   3
TCS 10  11  12  

Both TCS (Total Column Sum) and TRS (Total Row Sum) are new column and row respectively which gives their.

like image 453
ary Avatar asked Nov 19 '13 02:11


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In order to calculate a subtotal in SQL query, we can use the ROLLUP extension of the GROUP BY statement. The ROLLUP extension allows us to generate hierarchical subtotal rows according to its input columns and it also adds a grand total row to the result set.

2 Answers

You can use GROUP BY and WITH ROLLUP, like this:

,   SUM(jan) as jan
,   SUM(feb) as feb
,   SUM(mar) as mar
,   SUM(jan+feb+mar) as TRS
FROM test

Live demo on sqlfiddle.

like image 88
Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10

Sergey Kalinichenko

This query will do the job

select cast(id as varchar(20)), Jan, Feb, Mar , Jan + Feb + Mar as TRS
from table1

union all

select 'TCS' as id, SUM(Jan) Jan, SUM(Feb) Feb, SUM(Mar) Mar, null as TRS
from table1

The first column will be returned as varchar as this way you have a mix of integers (id) and the text TCS.

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Szymon Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10
