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Scala type keyword: how best to use it across multiple classes




Coming back to Scala after a spell writing Haskell, I've started using the type keyword to make my class definitions a bit more readable, eg:

type RestfulParams = Map[String, String] def canonicalize(params: RestfulParams): String = { ... } 

The trouble I've run into is that these type definitions need to live inside a class or object - they're not "first class citizens" like they are in Haskell. If I try to define a type outside of a class or object, I get a compiler expected class or object definition.

My problem then is how to use these types across multiple classes and objects in a package? What I've done now seems quite ugly:

object RestfulTypes { type RestfulParams = Map[String, String] etc } 

And then in another class file:

import utils.{RestfulTypes => RT} def get(resource: String, params: RT.RestfulParams): String = { ... } 

Is there a nicer way of doing this - and incidentally do the Scala gurus think it's a good thing or a bad thing that types can only be defined inside classes/objects?

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Alex Dean Avatar asked Sep 16 '11 07:09

Alex Dean

People also ask

What is .type in Scala?

Scala is a statically typed programming language. This means the compiler determines the type of a variable at compile time. Type declaration is a Scala feature that enables us to declare our own types.

How does Scala determine types when they are not specified?

Non-value types capture properties of identifiers that are not values. For example, a type constructor does not directly specify a type of values. However, when a type constructor is applied to the correct type arguments, it yields a first-order type, which may be a value type.

How do I use classes in Scala?

Basic ClassClass variables are called, fields of the class and methods are called class methods. The class name works as a class constructor which can take a number of parameters. The above code defines two constructor arguments, xc and yc; they are both visible in the whole body of the class.

What are type classes in Scala?

A type class is an abstract, parameterized type that lets you add new behavior to any closed data type without using sub-typing. If you are coming from Java, you can think of type classes as something like java.

2 Answers

Will package objects work for you?

From the article:

Until 2.8, the only things you could put in a package were classes, traits, and standalone objects. These are by far the most common definitions that are placed at the top level of a package, but Scala 2.8 doesn't limit you to just those. Any kind of definition that you can put inside a class, you can also put at the top level of a package. If you have some helper method you'd like to be in scope for an entire package, go ahead and put it right at the top level of the package. To do so, you put the definitions in a package object. Each package is allowed to have one package object. Any definitions placed in a package object are considered members of the package itself.

The package object scala has many types and values already, so I think you can use the same technique for your own types.

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Ray Toal Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09

Ray Toal

I'm not sure what constitutes niceness in this case, but here are two options:

Using a trait: (Scala's Selfless Trait Pattern)

trait RestfulTypes {   type Params = Map[String,String]   //... }  object MyRestService extends RestService with RestfulTypes { /* ... */ } 

Or just import the object's members, effectively using it like a package:

import util.RestfulTypes._ 
like image 42
Kim Stebel Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09

Kim Stebel