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How can I get the name of an Akka actor from within the actor itself?




So, if I have an actor, I can give it a name. But, can I access that name internally? Example:

class Actorz extends Actor with ActorLogging {    val actorName = //??What function     def receive = {      case x => log.debug(actorName+": Received Message: "+x)    } }  val actor = system.actorOf(Props[Actorz], "named") actor ! "dogs" 

Now, I can pass its name as a constructor parameter. But, that seems like unnecessary duplication if there is a way to get the name internally... as it was set when I instantiated the actor using system.actorOf. API docs didn't seem to have anything.

like image 899
Dante Romero Avatar asked Nov 10 '13 07:11

Dante Romero

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1 Answers

From an Actor you can use self to get the ActorRef.

val actorName = self.path.name 




like image 137
Chris Martin Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 22:10

Chris Martin