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Scala: “any” and “all” functions

my Haskell* is a bit rusty, so i can imagine that I’m missing the obvious:

def any[A](s: Traversable[A], f: A => Boolean): Boolean = {     s.foldLeft(false)((bool, elem) => bool || f(elem)) } 

Does one of these properties apply to the it?

  1. predefined somewhere in the Scala libs
  2. circumstantial, and faster written as some one-liner
  3. wrong (I didn’t test it, sorry ;))

*actually SML, but that’s 99% the same, but known by nobody under the sun.

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flying sheep Avatar asked Jun 17 '11 19:06

flying sheep

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=> is syntactic sugar for creating instances of functions. Recall that every function in scala is an instance of a class. For example, the type Int => String , is equivalent to the type Function1[Int,String] i.e. a function that takes an argument of type Int and returns a String .

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Scala functions are first class values. Difference between Scala Functions & Methods: Function is a object which can be stored in a variable. But a method always belongs to a class which has a name, signature bytecode etc. Basically, you can say a method is a function which is a member of some object.

1 Answers

  1. It's predefined and is called exists. And forall would be the "all" function you are looking for.

    scala> Vector(3, 4, 5).exists(_ % 2 == 0) res1: Boolean = true  scala> Vector(3, 4, 5).forall(_ % 2 == 0) res2: Boolean = false 
  2. You can make it more performant using a for loop with a break (from scala.util.control.Breaks). (See the standard library implementation of exists and forall.)

  3. It's correct.

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missingfaktor Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10
