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Scala case classes with Mixin traits



I am trying to use a trait as a mixin with a case class.

case class Team(name:String)

trait WinStreak{}

and I would like to use it like so:

val team = Team("name") with WinStreak

Apparently I cannot do this. Is this because case classes use the companion object to create an instance of your class? I know the other solution would be to just extend the trait in my class def, but I would like to know if its possible to create it mixin style.

like image 608
Dan_Chamberlain Avatar asked Apr 24 '11 01:04


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1 Answers

Because Team("name") is actually a method call to Team.apply("name"), which create the object inside the apply method.

Create the object using new keyword should do the trick:

case class Team(name:String)
trait WinStreak{}

val x = new Team("name") with WinStreak
like image 76
Brian Hsu Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09

Brian Hsu