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Compiling sub projects in sbt




I have some sub-projects those I need to compile with sbt. The structure is like this:

 - sub_project1
 - sub_project2
 - sub_project3

Of course, they have the correct directory hierarchy (src-main-scala....). How do I compile all of them and each of them in particular?

like image 614
Alan Coromano Avatar asked Aug 31 '13 13:08

Alan Coromano

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2 Answers

See Navigating projects interactively:

At the sbt interactive prompt, type projects to list your projects and project <projectname> to select a current project. When you run a task like compile, it runs on the current project. So you don't necessarily have to compile the root project, you could compile only a subproject.

You can use aggregate to compile them all.

like image 152
Eugene Yokota Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 05:09

Eugene Yokota

Because the selected answer's linked documentation has changed, the answer isn't so clear anymore.

In the build.sbt of OP's main_project, to compile them together they will have to define an aggregate, as the new(er) documentation links to:

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
  .aggregate(util, core)

lazy val util = (project in file("util"))

lazy val core = (project in file("core"))

And then running an sbt compile in the root project's directory will compile them all.

However, if you wish to compile one at a time, you can navigate your cmd line/terminal to the root project ( main_project here) and then run the following command:

user:main_project$: sbt <project name> / compile

to use the poster's example:

user:main_project$: sbt sub_project1 / compile

(if you are in the SBT terminal, then you can omit sbt)

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NateH06 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09
