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Can I check whether a lazy val has been evaluated in Scala?

For instance, in a toString method, I would like to give info on whether a lazy val member of a class has been evaluated, and if so, print its value. Is this possible?

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Jean-Philippe Pellet Avatar asked Apr 16 '11 07:04

Jean-Philippe Pellet

2 Answers

As far as I know, you can´t. But you can help with that:

  class A {
    var isMemberSet = false
    lazy val member = { isMemberSet = true; 8 }

  val a = new A
  a.isMemberSet // false
  a.member // 8
  a.isMemberSet // true

Of course, visibility and access modifier have to be adapted.

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Peter Schmitz Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Peter Schmitz

If you want direct access to the compiler generated field, please try the following code.

import java.lang.reflect._

class A {
  lazy val member = 42
  def isEvaluated = 
    (1 & getClass.getField("bitmap$0").get(this).asInstanceOf[Int]) == 1

val a = new A
println(a.isEvaluated) // => true
println(a.isEvaluated) // => false
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akihiro4chawon Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
