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Rust scoping rules for struct-owned functions

I am trying to understand what exactly the scope is for functions defined within an impl block but which don't accept &self as a parameter. For example, why doesn't the following chunk of code compile? I get the error "cannot find function generate_a_result in this scope".

pub struct Blob {
    num: u32,

impl Blob {
    pub fn new() -> Blob {

    fn generate_a_result() -> Blob {
        let result = Blob {
            num: 0

like image 906
Scott L. Avatar asked Aug 21 '17 18:08

Scott L.

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1 Answers

These functions are called associated functions. And they live in the namespace of the type. They always have to be called like Type::function(). In your case, that's Blob::generate_a_result(). But for referring to your own type, there is the special keyword Self. So the best solution is:

like image 66
Lukas Kalbertodt Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 06:10

Lukas Kalbertodt