there is a nice way to build functions in DOS .bat/.cmd script. To modularize some installation scripts, it would be nice to include a file with a library of functions into an .bat/.cmd script.
what I tried was:
call library.bat
:stopCalipri -- stop alle prozesse die mit calipri zu tun haben
:: -- %~1: argument description here
REM.--function body here
set LocalVar1=dummy
set LocalVar2=dummy
echo "Called function successfully :)"
IF "%~1" NEQ "" SET %~1=%LocalVar1%
IF "%~2" NEQ "" SET %~2=%LocalVar2%
When I call mainscript.bat then I get following output: Das Sprungziel - function1 wurde nicht gefunden.
What means more or less: Can not find jump point named function1
Any ideas, or is this not possible?
It's possible, and there are some different ways to do it.
1) Copy&Paste the complete "Library" into each of your files Works, but it's not really a library, and it's a horror to change/correct a library function in all files
2) include a library via call-wrapper
call batchLib.bat :length result "abcdef"
and batchLib.bat starts with
call %*
exit /b
Easy to program, but very slow, as each library call loads the library batch, and possible problems with the parameters.
3) A "self-loading" library BatchLibrary or how to include batch files (cached)
It creates each time a temporary batch file, combined of the own code and the library code.
It do some advanced functions at the library startup like secure parameter access.
But in my opinion it's also easy to use
A user script sample
@echo off
REM 1. Prepare the BatchLibrary for the start command
call BatchLib.bat
REM 2. Start of the Batchlib, acquisition of the command line parameters, activates the code with the base-library
rem Importing more libraries ...
call :bl.import "bl_DateTime.bat"
call :bl.import "bl_String.bat"
rem Use library functions
call :bl.String.Length result abcdefghij
echo len=%result%
EDIT: Another way is ...
4) A macro library
You could use batch-macros, it's easy to include and to use them.
call MacroLib.bat
set myString=abcdef
%$strLen% result,myString
echo The length of myString is %result%
But it's tricky to build the macros!
More about the macro technic at Batch "macros" with arguments (cached)
set LF=^
::Above 2 blank lines are required - do not remove
set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"
:::: StrLen pString pResult
set $strLen=for /L %%n in (1 1 2) do if %%n==2 (%\n%
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=, " %%1 in ("!argv!") do (%\n%
set "str=A!%%~2!"%\n%
set "len=0"%\n%
for /l %%A in (12,-1,0) do (%\n%
set /a "len|=1<<%%A"%\n%
for %%B in (!len!) do if "!str:~%%B,1!"=="" set /a "len&=~1<<%%A"%\n%
for %%v in (!len!) do endlocal^&if "%%~b" neq "" (set "%%~1=%%v") else echo %%v%\n%
) %\n%
) ELSE setlocal enableDelayedExpansion ^& set argv=,
There is an easier way to load the library functions each time the main file is executed. For example:
@echo off
rem If current code was restarted, skip library loading part
if "%_%" == "_" goto restart
rem Copy current code and include any desired library
copy /Y %0.bat+lib1.bat+libN.bat %0.full.bat
rem Set the restart flag
set _=_
rem Restart current code
%0.full %*
rem Delete the restart flag
set _=
rem Place here the rest of the batch file
rem . . . . .
rem Always end with goto :eof, because the library functions will be loaded
rem after this code!
goto :eof
I came up with a simple solution for using external libraries with batch files, and I would like to ask you guys to test it and find possible bugs.
How to use:
Principle of operation:
How it works:
@echo off & setlocal EnableExtensions
::Your code starts in :_main
:: v1.5 - 01/08/2015 - by Cyberponk - Fixed returning to original path when using RequestAdminElevation
:: v1.4 - 25/05/2015 - by Cyberponk
:: This module includes funcions from included libraries so that you can call
:: them inside the :_main program
:: Options
set "_DeleteOnExit=0" &:: if 1, %_TempFile% will be deleted on exit (set to 0 if using library RequestAdminElevation)
(if "%BatchLibraryPath%"=="" set "BatchLibraryPath=.") &set "_ErrorCode=" &set "#include=call :_include"
set _LibPaths="%~dp0";"%BatchLibraryPath%"&set "_TempFile=%TEMP%\_%~nx0"
echo/@echo off ^& CD /D "%~dp0" ^& goto:_main> "%_TempFile%" || (echo/Unable to create "%_TempFile%" &echo/Make sure the %%TEMP%% path has Read/Write access and that a file with the same name doesn't exist already &endlocal &md; 2>nul &goto:eof ) &type "%~dpf0" >> "%_TempFile%" &echo/>>"%_TempFile%" &echo goto:eof>>"%_TempFile%" &call :_IncludeLibraries
(if "%_ErrorCode%"=="" (call "%_TempFile%" %*) else (echo/%_ErrorCode% &pause)) & (if "%_DeleteOnExit%"=="1" (del "%_TempFile%")) & endlocal & (if "%_ErrorCode%" NEQ "" (set "_ErrorCode=" & md; 2>nul)) &goto:eof
:_include lib
set "lib=%~1.bat" &set "_included="
(if EXIST "%lib%" ( set "_included=1" &echo/>> "%_TempFile%" &type "%lib%" >> "%_TempFile%" & goto:eof )) & for %%a in (%_LibPaths%) do (if EXIST "%%~a\%lib%" ( set "_included=1" &echo/>> "%_TempFile%" &type "%%~a\%lib%" >> "%_TempFile%" &goto:endfor))
(if NOT "%_included%"=="1" ( set "_ErrorCode=%_ErrorCode%Library '%~1.bat' not fount, aborting...&echo/Verify if the environment variable BatchLibraryPath is pointing to the right path - and has no quotes - or add a custom path to line 25&echo/" )) &goto:eof
:_IncludeLibraries - Your included libraries go here
:: You can add custom paths to this variable:
set _LibPaths=%_LibPaths%; C:\; \\SERVER\folder
:: Add a line for each library you want to include (use quotes for paths with space)
:: Examples:
:: %#include% beep
:: %#include% Network\GetIp
:: %#include% "Files and Folders\GetDirStats"
:: %#include% "c:\Files and Folders\GetDriveSize"
:: %#include% "\\SERVER\batch\SendHello"
%#include% Example
::End _IncludeLibraries
:_main - Your code goes here
echo/Example code:
call :Example "It works!"
echo/Work folder: %CD%
echo/This file: %0
echo/Library paths: %_LibPaths%
echo/Argument 1 = %1
echo/Argument 2 = %2
echo/All Arguments = %*
:Example msg
setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS & set "msg=%1"
endlocal & goto :EOF
If you want an easy way to set the %BatchLibraryPath%, just put this file inside your Library path and run it before running Your_batch_file.bat. This setting is persistent on reboots, so you run this once only:
setx BatchLibraryPath "%~dp0"
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