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Running Custom Deployer from Eclipse



I've gone through Jaime's deployer tutorial.

I've successfully created my deployer extension, which when integrating with SDL Tridion, the functionality works exactly as required.

But, what i can't get to work is the local debugging / running with the deployer inside eclipse (documented here)

The eclipse based deployer does run. If I drop my zip file into my test incoming folder the zip is picked up and processed. However, the customdeployer code I have written is never entered or executed.

I don't get any errors in the 'eclipse' deployer logs, but it always stops on the following line:

2012-04-13 20:24:51,642 DEBUG QueueLocationHandler - Removing exclusive lock on Deployment package: tcm:0-1026-66560 with type: CONTENT.

As we've three developers here also stuck on the same problem on all their machines I was wondering (hoping!) that this was a common problem and someone knew what we're doing wrong.


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johnwinter Avatar asked Apr 13 '12 18:04


1 Answers

Can you check which cd_deployer_conf.xml is it loaded by the Deployer? Just check the Deployer startup logs (in debug mode).

I suspect your Eclipse project at Debug/Run time doesn't load the the cd_*_config.xml files from the config folder in Eclipse. This will prevent your deployer module (which I supposed you configured in your cd_deployer_conf.xml) from being loaded and called.

What I normally do is to declare this config folder as an Eclipse Source Folder. Then at Debug/Run time, Eclipse will be included in the classpath automatically. This makes point #8 from http://www.sdltridionworld.com/articles/sdltridion2011/tutorials/Deployer_Extensions_With_Eclipse_3.aspx redundant.

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Mihai Cădariu Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 22:11

Mihai Cădariu