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Is it possible to remove the "Upload MM Component" button from the SDL Tridion 2011 Ribbon

This button causes a lot of problems for my client, as it always uses a predefined Schema. I can't find a way to remove this button with my Editor config. I have done this with other buttons, but these buttons are implemented in some sort of sub-group.

On my personal sandbox machine, I tried removing the commented out control in the extract of the ../WebUI/Editors/CME/Controls/Toolbars/Tabs/CreateRibbonPage.ascx file shown below:

<c:RibbonSplitButton runat="server" CommandName="NewComponent" 
   Title="<%$ Resources: Tridion.Web.UI.Strings, NewComponent %>" 
   Label="<%$ Resources: Tridion.Web.UI.Strings, NewComponent %>"
  <c:RibbonContextMenuItem runat="server" ID="NewComponentCMI2" 
     Title="<%$ Resources: Tridion.Web.UI.Strings, NewComponent %>" 
     Label="<%$ Resources: Tridion.Web.UI.Strings, NewComponent %>" />
  <c:RibbonContextMenuItem runat="server" ID="NewMultimediaComponentCMI2" 
     Title="<%$ Resources: Tridion.Web.UI.Strings, NewMultimediaComponent %>" 
     Label="<%$ Resources: Tridion.Web.UI.Strings, NewMultimediaComponent %>" />
  <c:RibbonUploadContextMenuItem runat="server" 
     ID="NewBasicMultimediaComponentCMI2" Command="NewBasicMultimediaComponent"  
     Title="<%$ Resources: Tridion.Web.UI.Strings, NewBasicMultimediaComponent %>"
     Label="<%$ Resources: Tridion.Web.UI.Strings, NewBasicMultimediaComponent %>" />

This seems to have the desired result, but I imagine that this will probably invalidate our support agreement if I did this in a customer environment. Is this possible to do in a supported way, or do I have to hack the UI files like this to achieve my goal?

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Chris Summers Avatar asked May 22 '12 13:05

Chris Summers

3 Answers

One of the solutions is to create extension for the NewBasicMultimediaComponent command, which extends isAvailable and isEnabled methods and returns false for them. In this case "Upload MM Component" still will be present as an option for "New Component" button, but it will be disabled.

like image 148
Boris Ponomarenko Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09

Boris Ponomarenko

I've used css to hide the display of ribbon items before. Purely because I couldn't find the appropriate solution.

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johnwinter Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09


I'm adding this answer because I needed to do something similar with a complete ribbon toolbar.

I needed to remove the complete ribbon toolbar "Create" in order to add a simpler version of it and it seems you can do the removal part by creating a new extension and use this in your extensions config:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Configuration xmlns="http://www.sdltridion.com/2009/GUI/Configuration/Merge" xmlns:cfg="http://www.sdltridion.com/2009/GUI/Configuration" xmlns:ext="http://www.sdltridion.com/2009/GUI/extensions" xmlns:cmenu="http://www.sdltridion.com/2009/GUI/extensions/ContextMenu" xmlns:edt="http://www.sdltridion.com/2009/GUI/Configuration/Merge">
        <cfg:groups />
    <definitionfiles />
            <ext:editorextension target="CME">
                <ext:editurls />
                <ext:listdefinitions />
                <ext:itemicons />
                <ext:taskbars />
                <ext:commands />
                <ext:commandextensions />
                <ext:contextmenus />
                <ext:lists />
                        <ext:extension id="CreatePage">
                                <ext:view name="DashboardView">
                                    <ext:control id="DashboardToolbar" />
                <ext:extendedareas />
        <ext:dataextenders />
    <commands />
    <contextmenus />
    <localization />
        <dependencies />
        <defaultpage />
        <editurls />
        <listdefinitions />
        <customconfiguration />

To make this work for buttons you probably can do the same thing (haven't tested this), by providing the button id in the ext:extension id attribute.

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Kah Tang Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09

Kah Tang