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Does unlocalizing a component destroy history?

In our 030- content Spanish publication, we had a bunch of components localized and their Spanish content was used. Later, those same components were unlocalized.

Is there a way to retrieve the Spanish content from history? The history is now showing the history of the root component from the 020-content

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MADCookie Avatar asked Aug 31 '12 03:08


3 Answers

When you unlocalize a Component, the local version will be deleted. It's a permanent operation that can't be rolled back.

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Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 06:11

Frank van Puffelen

As Frank suggested, it is permanent operation that can't be rolled back. The only option is to use old database if you got backup somewhere.

You may use old database backup on dev/test Tridion (if available) and can use content porter or manual copying from one that Tridion instance to another one.

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vikas kumar Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 06:11

vikas kumar

As others have explained, that localization history is gone except in other environments or database copies (this is what makes template localization tricky).

On the delivery end, if you haven't republished or unpublished, your rendered component presentations (not exactly your content) may still be on your content delivery servers on the file system or as configured in the storage configuration (broker database).

On the business side, your authors likely (hopefully) have the correct translated copy.

Consider training authors or adjusting localization and read folder permissions to only the authors responsible for translation for those publications.

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Alvin Reyes Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 07:11

Alvin Reyes