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Running count based on field in R

I have a data set of this format


Now I want to add a column saying count which counts the occurrence of the user. I want output in the below format.

User    Count
1       1
2       1 
3       1
2       2
3       2
1       2
1       3

I have few solutions but all those solutions are somewhat slow.

Running count variable in R

My data.frame has 100,000 rows now and soon it may go up to 1 million. I need a solution which is also fast.

like image 985
Gughan Avatar asked Jul 07 '15 04:07


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2 Answers

An option using dplyr

 df1 %>%
      group_by(User) %>%
 #    User Count
 #1    1     1
 #2    2     1
 #3    3     1
 #4    2     2
 #5    3     2
 #6    1     2
 #7    1     3

Using sqldf

sqldf('select a.*, 
           count(*) as Count
           from df1 a, df1 b
           where a.User = b.User and b.rowid <= a.rowid
           group by a.rowid')
#   User Count
#1    1     1
#2    2     1
#3    3     1
#4    2     2
#5    3     2
#6    1     2
#7    1     3
like image 97
akrun Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10


This is fairly easy with ave and seq.int:

> ave(User,User, FUN= seq.int)
[1] 1 1 1 2 2 2 3

This is a common strategy and is often used when the items are adjacent to each other. The second argument is the grouping variable and in this case the first argument is really kind of a dummy argument since the only thing that it contributes is a length, and it is not a requirement for ave to have adjacent rows for the values determined within groupings.

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IRTFM Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10