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IF "OR" multiple conditions




I have a standard 2x2 table

      Yes   No
Yes    a    b
No     c    d

I want to create a condition whereby IF(a or b or c or d = 0) then 0.5 is added on to each of the cells a,b,c,d.

I have tried this:

  if(a && b && c && d == 0){
    a=a+0.5, b=b+0.5, c=c+0.5, d=d+0.5

But I am getting an error saying

Error: unexpected ',' in:
"if(a && b && c && d== 0){

i.e. I don't think it is letting me put multiple things to execute.

Also I don't think that the && is right between each of the letters as I believe that means IF(a and b and ...)


I have another related question.

If I have say a set of say n tables, all in the format:

      Yes   No
Yes    a    b
No     c    d

and if one of the a,b,c or d in any of the n tables is equal to zero then 0.5 is added on to each of the a,b,c,d for all of the n tables. How would I do that?

My list looks like the following:

    n11   n12  n21   n22
1   188  1157  173  1168
2     2   201    1   101
3   369  2280  354  2289
4     1    61    0    61
5  1306 16870 1333 16773
6     4    81    3    79
7     6   117    5   118
8    19   334   15   318
9     1    49    0    48
10    0    36    1    33
11    2   114    3   113
12   13   433   37   696
13    1    64    0    65
14    4   157    1   160
15    1    42    0    43
16    1   150    5   146
17    7  1124   10  1117
18    2    78    2    77

and what I am trying to say is that if any of the aspects of the cells of the table are 0, then I want 0.5 to be added on to every cell.

like image 346
denby47 Avatar asked Feb 05 '15 14:02


People also ask

How do you do an if statement with multiple conditions?

When you combine each one of them with an IF statement, they read like this: AND – =IF(AND(Something is True, Something else is True), Value if True, Value if False) OR – =IF(OR(Something is True, Something else is True), Value if True, Value if False) NOT – =IF(NOT(Something is True), Value if True, Value if False)

Can I put multiple if conditions in Excel?

While Excel will allow you to nest up to 64 different IF functions, it's not at all advisable to do so.

Can you nest the AND or OR functions within an IFS function?

You can automate the evaluation of logical tests by NESTING the AND, OR, NOT functions inside a single IF function. This means that if we have multiple conditions but we want to return a single output, we can nest any of the conjunction functions inside an IF and specify outputs accordingly.

2 Answers

In R you can't use , to separate line, but you can use ;.

Also, the way you are doing considers a,b and c are boolean (TRUE/FALSE), which is not the case as they are numbers. Your condition should be :

if (a == 0 || b == 0 || c == 0 || d == 0)

Note that your code will run nevertheless, even if a,b and c are not boolean since they are numbers and there is an equivalence between FALSE and a == 0. This means you could also write your condition as :

if (!a || !b || !c || !d)

For the UPDATE, I consider matList is the list of matrices :

for (ii in  1:length(matList())) {
    if (any(matList[[ii]] == 0)) {  
        matList = lapply(matList, function(X){X+0.5})
        break # Exit the for loop

lapply applies mat + 0.5 (i.e + 0.5 to each element of the matrix thanks to R sugar) to every element (here matrices) of the list matList and returns the resulting list.

like image 117
Math Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10


The problem is with the commas that separate your variables. R syntax does not allow you to do it. Write it this way:

if (a && b && c && d == 0){

Another problem is that the behaviour you described does not match with your code. If you write && it means and, not or. If you want to check if each element is equal to 0, you should write the following:

Modified based on Rodrigo's comment, the correct code would be:

if (0 %in% c(a,b,c,d)){
like image 43
ibci Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 16:10
