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how to deploy shiny app that uses local data

I'm deploying my shiny app and I don't know how to input my a local dataset. I keep getting Error: object "data" not found. Here is my path to shiny folder.


In this directory (jerm2), I have 3 things: ui.R, server.R, and my local dataset, a .csv called proj.csv.

In the server.R file, I set data<-read.csv("proj.csv")

I just don't know how to get Shiny to pick up my datasets.

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Tyrion Lannister Avatar asked Jan 06 '15 06:01

Tyrion Lannister

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1 Answers

You may want to add a subdirectory in your shiny folder called "Data" and put proj.csv there.

Then, in your server.r put:


That will make it clear where the data is when the app is deployed to the ShinyApps service.

like image 58
John Paul Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10

John Paul