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Run code before and after each test in py.test?

I want to run additional setup and teardown checks before and after each test in my test suite. I've looked at fixtures but not sure on whether they are the correct approach. I need to run the setup code prior to each test and I need to run the teardown checks after each test.

My use-case is checking for code that doesn't cleanup correctly: it leaves temporary files. In my setup, I will check the files and in the teardown I also check the files. If there are extra files I want the test to fail.

like image 276
edA-qa mort-ora-y Avatar asked Mar 25 '14 07:03

edA-qa mort-ora-y

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pytest is a very robust framework that comes with lots of features. One such feature is the autouse fixtures, a.k.a xUnit setup on steroids. They are a special type of fixture that gets invoked automatically, and its main use case is to act as a setup/teardown function.

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2 Answers

py.test fixtures are a technically adequate method to achieve your purpose.

You just need to define a fixture like that:

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def run_around_tests():     # Code that will run before your test, for example:     files_before = # ... do something to check the existing files     # A test function will be run at this point     yield     # Code that will run after your test, for example:     files_after = # ... do something to check the existing files     assert files_before == files_after 

By declaring your fixture with autouse=True, it will be automatically invoked for each test function defined in the same module.

That said, there is one caveat. Asserting at setup/teardown is a controversial practice. I'm under the impression that the py.test main authors do not like it (I do not like it either, so that may colour my own perception), so you might run into some problems or rough edges as you go forward.

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tawmas Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09


You can use a fixture in oder to achieve what you want.

import pytest  @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def run_before_and_after_tests(tmpdir):     """Fixture to execute asserts before and after a test is run"""     # Setup: fill with any logic you want      yield # this is where the testing happens      # Teardown : fill with any logic you want 

Detailed Explanation

  1. @pytest.fixture(autouse=True), from the docs: "Occasionally, you may want to have fixtures get invoked automatically without declaring a function argument explicitly or a usefixtures decorator." Therefore, this fixture will run every time a test is executed.

  2. # Setup: fill with any logic you want, this logic will be executed before every test is actually run. In your case, you can add your assert statements that will be executed before the actual test.

  3. yield, as indicated in the comment, this is where testing happens

  4. # Teardown : fill with any logic you want, this logic will be executed after every test. This logic is guaranteed to run regardless of what happens during the tests.

Note: in pytest there is a difference between a failing test and an error while executing a test. A Failure indicates that the test failed in some way. An Error indicates that you couldn't get to the point of doing a proper test.

Consider the following examples:

Assert fails before test is run -> ERROR

import pytest   @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def run_around_tests():     assert False # This will generate an error when running tests     yield     assert True  def test():     assert True  

Assert fails after test is run -> ERROR

import pytest   @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def run_around_tests():     assert True     yield     assert False  def test():     assert True 

Test fails -> FAILED

import pytest   @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def run_around_tests():     assert True     yield     assert True  def test():     assert Fail  

Test passes -> PASSED

import pytest   @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def run_around_tests():     assert True     yield     assert True  def test():     assert True 
like image 39
lmiguelvargasf Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
