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Ruby/Rails convert string to a class attribute

Suppose I have a class Article, such that:

class Article

  attr_accessor :title, :author

  def initialize(title, author)
    @title = title
    @author= author


Also, variable atrib is a String containing the name of an attribute. How could I turn this string into a variable to use as a getter?

a = Article.new
puts a.eval(atrib)     # <---- I want to do this


Suppose I now have an Array of articles, and I want to sort them by title. Is there a way to do the compact version using & as in:

col = Article[0..10]
sorted_one = col.sort_by{|a| a.try('title') }   #This works
sorted_two = col.sort_by(&:try('title'))   #This does not work
like image 550
lllllll Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 20:03


1 Answers

You can use either send or instance_variable_get:

a = Article.new 'Asdf', 'Coco'
a.pubic_send(:title) # (Recommended) Tries to call a public method named 'title'. Can raise NoMethodError
=> "Asdf"
# If at rails like your case:
a.try :title # Tries to call 'title' method, returns `nil` if the receiver is `nil` or it does not respond to method 'title'
=> "Asdf"
a.send(:title) # Same, but will work even if the method is private/protected
=> "Asdf"
a.instance_variable_get :@title # Looks for an instance variable, returns nil if one doesn't exist
=> "Asdf"

Shot answer to your extended question: no. The &:symbol shortcut for procs relies on Symbol#to_proc method. So to enable that behavior you'd need to redifine that method on the Symbol class:

class Symbol
  def to_proc  
    ->(x) { x.instance_eval(self.to_s) }    

[1,2,3].map(&:"to_s.to_i * 10")
=> [10, 20, 30]
like image 189
ichigolas Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 22:03
