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Ruby stubbing with faraday, can't get it to work

Sorry for the title, I'm too frustrated to come up with anything better right now.

I have a class, Judge, which has a method #stats. This stats method is supposed to send a GET request to an api and get some data as response. I'm trying to test this and stub the stats method so that I don't perform an actual request. This is what my test looks like:

describe Judge do
  describe '.stats' do

    context 'when success' do
      subject { Judge.stats }

      it 'returns stats' do
        allow(Faraday).to receive(:get).and_return('some data')

        expect(subject.status).to eq 200
        expect(subject).to be_success

This is the class I'm testing:

class Judge

  def self.stats
    Faraday.get "some-domain-dot-com/stats"


This currently gives me the error: Faraday does not implement: get So How do you stub this with faraday? I have seen methods like:

    stubs = Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs.new do |stub|
      stub.get('http://stats-api.com') { [200, {}, 'Lorem ipsum'] }

But I can't seem to apply it the right way. What am I missing here?

like image 244
Majoren Avatar asked Feb 26 '14 18:02


1 Answers

Coming to this late, but incase anyone else is too, this is what worked for me - a combination of the approaches above:

  let(:json_data) { File.read Rails.root.join("..", "fixtures", "ror", "501100000267.json") }

  before do
    allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:get).and_return(
      double(Faraday::Response, status: 200, body: json_data, success?: true)
like image 161
Paul Danelli Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Paul Danelli