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Row reordering in Angular material mat-table using drag events

I am developing a website where I am using Data Table component of Angular Material. I want the user to be able to set some kind of priority to each row by dragging rows up and down. Something similar to Data Table for jQuery. I cannot find support for reordering using drag events in their documentation. How can I achieve this functionality while adding least dependencies to my project?

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Vikrant Yadav Avatar asked Jan 28 '18 05:01

Vikrant Yadav

1 Answers

For those looking for an answer on how to use this with Angular Material tables (mat-table):

Instead of using <table mat-table ...> you will have to use the <mat-table ..> selector. The former will have a tbody element between the table element (where you applied your dragula bag) and the rows. Attempting to drag the rows will instead make dragula pick up the tbody element. For <mat table ...> however, the rows will be immediate child elements of the container.

You can then use dragula like so:

<!-- my-table.component.html -->
    <!-- your column and row defs go here -->

In your component

// my-table.component.ts
constructor(private dragulaService: DragulaService) {
  dragulaService.drop.subscribe((value) => {

private onDrop(args) {
like image 123
Jan Wendland Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 17:10

Jan Wendland