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Rolling back local and remote git repository by 1 commit



People also ask

How do I roll back one commit?

The easiest way to undo the last Git commit is to execute the “git reset” command with the “–soft” option that will preserve changes done to your files. You have to specify the commit to undo which is “HEAD~1” in this case. The last commit will be removed from your Git history.

Can I git revert multiple commits?

We can use the git revert command for reverting multiple commits in Git. Another way of reverting multiple commits is to use the git reset command.

If nobody has pulled your remote repo yet, you can change your branch HEAD and force push it to said remote repo:

git reset --hard HEAD^ 
git push -f 

(or, if you have direct access to the remote repo, you can change its HEAD reference even though it is a bare repo)

Note, as commented by alien-technology in the comments below, on Windows (CMD session), you would need ^^:

git reset --hard HEAD^^
git push -f 

And? as noted in the comments by Jon Schneider:

If the command with "HEAD^" results in error no matches found: HEAD^, see "git show HEAD^ doesn't seem to be working. Is this normal?"

Update since 2011:
Using git push --force-with-lease (that I present here, introduced in 2013 with Git 1.8.5) is safer.

See Schwern's answer for illustration.

What if somebody has already pulled the repo? What would I do then?

Then I would suggest something that doesn't rewrite the history:

  • git revert locally your last commit (creating a new commit that reverses what the previous commit did)
  • push the 'revert' generated by git revert.

Set the local branch one revision back (HEAD^ means one revision back):

git reset --hard HEAD^

Push the changes to origin:

git push --force

You will have to force pushing because otherwise git would recognize that you're behind origin by one commit and nothing will change.

Doing it with --force tells git to overwrite HEAD in the remote repo without respecting any advances there.

If you want revert last commit listen:

Step 1:

Check your local commits with messages

$ git log

Step 2:

Remove last commit without resetting the changes from local branch (or master)

$ git reset HEAD^

OR if you don't want last commit files and updates listens

$ git reset HEAD^ --hard

Step 3:

We can update the files and codes and again need to push with force it will delete previous commit. It will keep new commit.

$ git push origin branch -f

That's it!

Here's an updated version of the procedure which is safer.

git reset --hard HEAD^ 
git push --force-with-lease

git push -f will indiscriminately replace the remote repository with your own changes. If someone else has pushed changes they will be lost. git push --force-with-lease will only push your rebase if the repository is as you expect. If someone else has already pushed your push will fail.

See –force considered harmful; understanding git’s –force-with-lease.

I recommend aliasing this as repush = push --force-with-lease.

What if somebody has already pulled the repo? What would I do then?

Tell them to git pull --rebase=merges. Instead of a git fetch origin and git merge origin/master it will git fetch origin and git rebase -r origin/master. This will rewrite any of their local changes to master on top of the new rebased origin/master. -r will preserve any merges they may have made.

I recommend making this the default behavior for pulling. It is safe, will handle other's rebasing, and results in less unnecessary merges.

        rebase = merges

By entering bellow command you can see your git commit history -

$ git log

Let's say your history on that particular branch is like - commit_A, commit_B, commit_C, commit_D. Where, commit_D is the last commit and this is where HEAD remains. Now, to remove your last commit from local and remote, you need to do the following :

Step 1: Remove last commit locally by -

$ git reset --hard HEAD~

This will change your commit HEAD to commit_C

Step 2: Push your change for new HEAD commit to remote

$ git push origin +HEAD

This command will delete the last commit from remote.

P.S. this command is tested on Mac OSX and should work on other operating systems as well (not claiming about other OS though)

For Windows Machines, use:

git reset HEAD~1  #Remove Commit Locally

There are many way you can do this. Based on your requirement choose anything from below.

1. By REVERTing commit:

If you want to REVERT all the changes from you last COMMIT that means If you ADD something in your file that will be REMOVED after revert has been done. If you REMOVE something in your file the revert process will ADD those file.

You can REVERT the very last COMMIT. Like:

1.git revert head^
2.git push origin <Branch-Name>

Or you can revert to any previous commit using the hash of that commit.Like:

1.git revert <SHA>
2.git push origin  <Branch-Name>

2. By RESETing previous Head

If you want to just point to any previous commit use reset; it points your local environment back to a previous commit. You can reset your head to previous commit or reset your head to previous any commit.

Reset to previous commit.

1.git reset head^
2.git push -f origin <Branch-name>

Reset to any previous commit:

1.git reset <SHA>
2.git push -f origin <Branch-name>

Trade of between REVERT & RESET:

Why would you choose to do a revert over a reset operation? If you have already pushed your chain of commits to the remote repository (where others may have pulled your code and started working with it), a revert is a nicer way to cancel out changes for them. This is because the Git workflow works well for picking up additional commits at the end of a branch, but it can be challenging if a set of commits is no longer seen in the chain when someone resets the branch pointer back.