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How can I show the name of branches in `git log`?



People also ask

Does git log show all branches?

Graph all git branchesDevelopers can see all branches in the graph with the –all switch. Also, in most situations, the –decorate switch will provide all the supplemental information in a formatted and nicely color-coded way.

What information is shown in the git log?

The git log command shows a list of all the commits made to a repository. You can see the hash of each Git commit, the message associated with each commit, and more metadata. This command is useful for displaying the history of a repository.

Try the decorate option.

git log --graph --all --decorate

It annotates commits which are pointed to by tags or branches.

I was looking for something similar to this - but wanted to know what branch a change was made. Hopefully this answer will be of use to others also.

I'm investigating a risk with blackbox encryption, where a repo and it's branches/tags may become unavailable to current admins when enough users leave a project and the keyrings directory has not been religiously based off of master)

I found that the answer below was helpful where the keyrings directory was not updated from master...

Basically adding --source was what I needed to show the branches/tags. Adding --name-only will also show which file was actually changed.

cd /path/to/repo-that-uses-blackbox-encryption
git log --graph --all --decorate --source --name-only keyrings

Another useful answer: How to show git log with branch name

If you happen to be using oh-my-zsh as your terminal then a bunch of git aliases are available. All of which can be seen at their repo oh-my-zsh/plugins/git. If you don't use this terminal, then you just can grab the aliases and paste the ones you like into your own environment.

The accepted answer presents the git log --graph --all --decorate command, which is available as the glgga alias in oh-my-zsh.

Personally I prefer the glods alias which translates to:

git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --date=short