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How do I contribute to other's code in GitHub? [closed]

People also ask

How do I contribute to someone else's GitHub?

Go into the directory for your project. Add a connection to your friend's version of the github repository, if you haven't already. Pull his/her changes. Push them back to your github repository.

Can I upload someone else's code on GitHub?

No, they can copy or fork your whole code into a new GPLed project, or copy or any parts of your code into other GPLed projects, and distribute it however they like.

How do I contribute to an open source project in GitHub?

You can contribute to an open source project by merging a pull request into your local copy of the project and testing the changes. Add the outcome of your testing in a comment on the pull request.

Ideally you:

  1. Fork the project
  2. Make one or more well commented and clean commits to the repository. You can make a new branch here if you are modifying more than one part or feature.
  3. Perform a pull request in github's web interface.

if it is a new Feature request, don't start the coding first. Remember to post an issue to discuss the new feature.

If the feature is well discuss and there are some +1 or the project owner approved it, assign the issue to yourself, then do the steps above.

Some projects won't use the pull request system. Check with the author or mailing list on the best way to get your code back into the project.

To add to Yann's answer, once you have forked a project, you can develop in any branch you want (a new one, or one from the original project)

Remember to:

  • add the original project as a remote (different form 'origin', since origin would be your own repo, result of the fork)
  • rebase your branch on top of the branch of the original repo you want to contribute.
    It is important your pulling request result in fast-forward merges.
    See for instance:
    • "Pull new updates from original Github repository into forked Github repository".
    • "Update of forked repository on github"
    • "Git working fork with updates"

To add to Yan and VonC's answers, this is a good resource from github themselves: http://help.github.com/forking/

Also be sure to look on the right sidebar under the "collaborating" heading.

There is a great Railscast video here that walks you through the process. It also has a number of good tips such as showing how to determine which branch you might want to work on when contributing, using tests, submodules, etc.

While this screencast is primarily focused on Rails developers most of the information is valid for contributing to any open source project.