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RichTextBox in WPF does not have an property as .Lines?

is there an equivalent to .Lines of winForms in WPF?

I'm using this currently:

var textRange = new TextRange(TextInput.Document.ContentStart, TextInput.Document.ContentEnd);
string[] lines = textRange.Text.Split('\n');
like image 510
Jack Avatar asked Jan 25 '12 02:01


1 Answers

RichTextBox is a FlowDocument type and that does not have a Lines property. What you are doing seems like a good solution. You may want to use IndexOf instead of split.

You can also add an extension method like the article suggests:

public static long Lines(this string s)
    long count = 1;
    int position = 0;
    while ((position = s.IndexOf('\n', position)) != -1)
        position++;         // Skip this occurance!
    return count;
like image 86
Raj Ranjhan Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Raj Ranjhan