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Rewrite this script by designing an interpreter in racket

The original script is like this:

#lang racket
(for ([i (in-range 3)])
    (for ([j (in-range 9)])
      (display "X"))
     (display "\n"))

(for ([i (in-range 6)])
  (for ([j (in-range 3)])
    (display " "))
  (for ([j (in-range 3)])
    (display "X"))
  (for ([j (in-range 3)])
    (display " "))
  (display "\n"))

(for ([i (in-range 3)])
    (for ([j (in-range 9)])
      (display "X"))
     (display "\n"))

The output is:


I'm wondering whether I can rewrite this using a DSL like this:

(define a
  "3 9 X
6 3 b 3 X 3 b
3 9 X")

And then:

(interpret a)

to draw this graph.

Does anyone know what is the best way to do that?

like image 754
Hanfei Sun Avatar asked Sep 10 '12 05:09

Hanfei Sun

2 Answers

To attack problems like this, first describe a data type that captures the operations you want in your DSL, rather than concentrating on surface syntax. Once you've got the data type in hand, you should have a much easier time with the problem.

From a first glance, it looks like we can design 3 fundamental forms in your language:

  1. Strings
  2. Repetition
  3. Sequencing

We can represent this disjoint class with primitive strings and structures. Let's call this class as a whole a 'pexpr', for "printable expr". In code:

;; An pexpr is one of the following:
;;   * a primitive string,
;;   * a seq, or
;;   * a repeat
(struct seq (bodies) #:transparent)    ;; bodies is a list of pexpr
(struct repeat (n body) #:transparent) ;; n is a number, body is a pexpr

It might help to make some helper functions as abbreviations since "seq" and "repeat" are themselves a bit long-winded.

;; For convenience, we define some abbreviations s and r for seq and repeat,
;; respectively.
(define (s . bodies)
  (seq bodies))
(define (r n . bodies)
  (repeat n (seq bodies)))

Your example "I" string can be written as this:

(define an-example
   (r 3 (r 9 "X") "\n")
   (r 6 (r 3 " ") (r 3 "X") "\n")
   (r 3 (r 9 "X") "\n")))

Note that this encoding has an explicit representation for newlines which, from the surface syntax alone, is implicit. It then becomes the job of a parser to take lines in your surface syntax and turning them into pexprs, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Hopefully. :)

Anyway, the interpret function, then, becomes a matter of filling in the details for a template like this:

(define (interpret pexpr)
  (match pexpr
    [(? string?)
    [(struct seq (bodies))
    [(struct repeat (n body))

where the '...'s should be easy to fill in.

This approach to these kinds of problems is one described by How to Design Programs and Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation. I'd recommend looking at them: they're good stuff.

like image 142
dyoo Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 00:11


Sure, that looks doable. It's a parsing problem, mostly. I would break it up like this. Each of your input lines specifies a block of output lines. Figure out a good way of representing that, in Racket. Make some examples, to make sure it covers what you want it to cover. Next, I would probably write the function that renders one of these blocks. Mostly, I'd do that one first so that I could have the satisfaction of seeing output. Then, I would write a function that took a list of these block specifications and output them all. Then, I would write a function that parses a single line of input. It looks like you can split these lines using whitespace (e.g., using "regexp-split"), and then process these lists using an ad-hoc parser. This is the part I think I'd be most likely to get wrong, and I'd write a bunch of test cases before coding it up. Finally, you need a function that calls this parser on each line of input, and then ships the resulting block specifications off to the display function.

like image 25
John Clements Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 00:11

John Clements