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Reverse sort and argsort in python

I'm trying to write a function in Python (still a noob!) which returns indices and scores of documents ordered by the inner products of their tfidf scores. The procedure is:

  • Compute vector of inner products between doc idx and all other documents
  • Sort in descending order
  • Return the "scores" and indices from the second one to the end (i.e. not itself)

The code I have at the moment is:

import h5py
import numpy as np

def get_related(tfidf, idx) :
    ''' return the top documents '''

    # calculate inner product   
    v = np.inner(tfidf, tfidf[idx].transpose())

    # sort
    vs = np.sort(v.toarray(), axis=0)[::-1]
    scores = vs[1:,]

    # sort indices
    vi = np.argsort(v.toarray(), axis=0)[::-1]
    idxs = vi[1:,] 

    return (scores, idxs)

where tfidf is a sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>'.

This seems inefficient, as the sort is performed twice (sort() then argsort()), and the results have to then be reversed.

  • Can this be done more efficiently?
  • Can this be done without converting the sparse matrix using toarray()?
like image 620
tdc Avatar asked Dec 09 '11 12:12


People also ask

How do you reverse an Argsort?

You can use the flip commands numpy. flipud() or numpy. fliplr() to get the indexes in descending order after sorting using the argsort command.

What is Argsort () in Python?

numpy.argsort() function is used to perform an indirect sort along the given axis using the algorithm specified by the kind keyword. It returns an array of indices of the same shape as arr that would sort the array. It means indices of value arranged in ascending order.

How do you reverse sort in Python?

Sort in Descending order The sort() method accepts a reverse parameter as an optional argument. Setting reverse = True sorts the list in the descending order.

What is the difference between Argsort and sort?

sort() returns the sorted array whereas np. argsort() returns an array of the corresponding indices. The figure shows how the algorithm transforms an unsorted array [10, 6, 8, 2, 5, 4, 9, 1] into a sorted array [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10] .

1 Answers

I don't think there's any real need to skip the toarray. The v array will be only n_docs long, which is dwarfed by the size of the n_docs × n_terms tf-idf matrix in practical situations. Also, it will be quite dense since any term shared by two documents will give them a non-zero similarity. Sparse matrix representations only pay off when the matrix you're storing is very sparse (I've seen >80% figures for Matlab and assume that Scipy will be similar, though I don't have an exact figure).

The double sort can be skipped by doing

v = v.toarray()
vi = np.argsort(v, axis=0)[::-1]
vs = v[vi]

Btw., your use of np.inner on sparse matrices is not going to work with the latest versions of NumPy; the safe way of taking an inner product of two sparse matrices is

v = (tfidf * tfidf[idx, :]).transpose()
like image 140
Fred Foo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Fred Foo