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REST: Updating Multiple Resources With One Request - Is it standard or to be avoided?




A simple REST API:

  • GET: items/{id} - Returns a description of the item with the given id
  • PUT: items/{id} - Updates or Creates the item with the given id
  • DELETE: items/{id} - Deletes the item with the given id

Now the API-extension in question:

  • GET: items?filter - Returns all item ids matching the filter
  • PUT: items - Updates or creates a set of items as described by the JSON payload
  • [[DELETE: items - deletes a list of items described by JSON payload]] <- Not Correct

I am now being interested in the DELETE and PUT operation recycling functionality that can be easily accessed by PUT/DELETE items/{id}.

Question: Is it common to provide an API like this?

Alternative: In the age of Single Connection Multiple Requests issuing multiple requests is cheap and would work more atomic since a change either succeeds or fails but in the age of NOSQL database a change in the list might already have happend even if the request processing dies with internal server or whatever due to whatever reason.


After considering White House Web Standards and Wikipedia: REST Examples the following Example API is now purposed:

A simple REST API:

  • GET: items/{id} - Returns a description of the item with the given id
  • PUT: items/{id} - Updates or Creates the item with the given id
  • DELETE: items/{id} - Deletes the item with the given id

Top-resource API:

  • GET: items?filter - Returns all item ids matching the filter
  • POST: items - Updates or creates a set of items as described by the JSON payload

PUT and DELETE on /items is not supported and forbidden.

Using POST seems to do the trick as being the one to create new items in an enclosing resource while not replacing but appending.

HTTP Semantics POST Reads:

Extending a database through an append operation

Where the PUT methods would require to replace the complete collection in order to return an equivalent representation as quoted by HTTP Semantics PUT:

A successful PUT of a given representation would suggest that a subsequent GET on that same target resource will result in an equivalent representation being returned in a 200 (OK) response.


An alternative that seems even more consistent for the update aspect of multiple objects seems to be the PATCH method. The difference between PUT and PATCH is described in the Draft RFC 5789 as being:

The difference between the PUT and PATCH requests is reflected in the way the server processes the enclosed entity to modify the resource identified by the Request-URI. In a PUT request, the enclosed entity is considered to be a modified version of the resource stored on the origin server, and the client is requesting that the stored version be replaced. With PATCH, however, the enclosed entity contains a set of instructions describing how a resource currently residing on the origin server should be modified to produce a new version. The PATCH method affects the resource identified by the Request-URI, and it also MAY have side effects on other resources; i.e., new resources may be created, or existing ones modified, by the application of a PATCH.

So compared to POST, PATCH may be also a better idea since PATCH allows an UPDATE where as POST only allows appending something meaning adding without the chance of modification.

So POST seems to be wrong here and we need to change our proposed API to:

A simple REST API:

  • GET: items/{id} - Returns a description of the item with the given id
  • PUT: items/{id} - Updates or Creates the item with the given id
  • DELETE: items/{id} - Deletes the item with the given id

Top-resource API:

  • GET: items?filter - Returns all item ids matching the filter
  • POST: items - Creates one or more items as described by the JSON payload
  • PATCH: items - Creates or Updates one or more items as described by the JSON payload
like image 709
Martin Kersten Avatar asked Aug 19 '15 14:08

Martin Kersten

People also ask

Is it possible to have multiple representations for the same resource in REST?

You could make them 2 representations of the same resource and with content negotiation.. 100% restful.

What is the most appropriate HTTP method for replacing an existing resource with a new one?

The single-resource equivalent of POST is PUT, which updates a resource by replacing its content entirely. As a RESTful API HTTP method, PUT is the most common way to update resource information.

Does PUT method applies a partial update to an existing resource?

PUT. The HTTP PATCH method should be used whenever you would like to change or update just a small part of the state of the resource. You should use the PUT method only when you would like to replace the resource in its entirety.

1 Answers

You could PATCH the collection, e.g.

PATCH /items [ { id: 1, name: 'foo' }, { id: 2, name: 'bar' } ] 

Technically PATCH would identify the record in the URL (ie PATCH /items/1 and not in the request body, but this seems like a good pragmatic solution.

To support deleting, creating, and updating in a single call, that's not really supported by standard REST conventions. One possibility is a special "batch" service that lets you assemble calls together:

POST /batch [   { method: 'POST', path: '/items', body: { title: 'foo' } },   { method: 'DELETE', path: '/items/bar' } ] 

which returns a response with status codes for each embedded requests:

[ 200, 403 ] 

Not really standard, but I've done it and it works.

like image 92
mahemoff Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
