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PostgreSQL: Remove attribute from JSON column

I need to remove some attributes from a json type column.

The Table:

CREATE TABLE my_table( id VARCHAR(80), data json); INSERT INTO my_table (id, data) VALUES (   'A',    '{"attrA":1,"attrB":true,"attrC":["a", "b", "c"]}' ); 

Now, I need to remove attrB from column data.

Something like alter table my_table drop column data->'attrB'; would be nice. But a way with a temporary table would be enough, too.

like image 553
sja Avatar asked May 06 '14 09:05


People also ask

What is Jsonb in Postgres?

JSONB stands for “JSON Binary” or “JSON better” depending on whom you ask. It is a decomposed binary format to store JSON. JSONB supports indexing the JSON data, and is very efficient at parsing and querying the JSON data. In most cases, when you work with JSON in PostgreSQL, you should be using JSONB.

What is To_jsonb?

to_jsonb(anyelement) Returns the value as json or jsonb. Arrays and composites are converted (recursively) to arrays and objects; otherwise, if there is a cast from the type to json, the cast function will be used to perform the conversion; otherwise, a scalar value is produced.

Can Jsonb be an array?

jsonb[] is not an "extra" datatype, it's simply an array of JSONB values. Similar to text[] or integer[] . You can create arrays from every type.

How do I declare JSON in PostgreSQL?

To convert this PostgreSQL array into JSON, we can use the array_to_json function. 1select array_to_json(array_agg(lap)) 2from ( 3 select id, number, position, time, flag_type from laps 4) lap; 5 6[{"id":1, 7 "number":1, 8 "position":4, 9 "time":"628.744", 10 "flag_type":"Green"}, 11 ...]

2 Answers

Update: for 9.5+, there are explicit operators you can use with jsonb (if you have a json typed column, you can use casts to apply a modification):

Deleting a key (or an index) from a JSON object (or, from an array) can be done with the - operator:

SELECT jsonb '{"a":1,"b":2}' - 'a', -- will yield jsonb '{"b":2}'        jsonb '["a",1,"b",2]' - 1    -- will yield jsonb '["a","b",2]' 

Deleting, from deep in a JSON hierarchy can be done with the #- operator:

SELECT '{"a":[null,{"b":[3.14]}]}' #- '{a,1,b,0}' -- will yield jsonb '{"a":[null,{"b":[]}]}' 

For 9.4, you can use a modified version of the original answer (below), but instead of aggregating a JSON string, you can aggregate into a json object directly with json_object_agg().

Related: other JSON manipulations whithin PostgreSQL:

  • How do I modify fields inside the new PostgreSQL JSON datatype?

Original answer (applies to PostgreSQL 9.3):

If you have at least PostgreSQL 9.3, you can split your object into pairs with json_each() and filter your unwanted fields, then build up the json again manually. Something like:

SELECT data::text::json AS before,        ('{' || array_to_string(array_agg(to_json(l.key) || ':' || l.value), ',') || '}')::json AS after FROM (VALUES ('{"attrA":1,"attrB":true,"attrC":["a","b","c"]}'::json)) AS v(data), LATERAL (SELECT * FROM json_each(data) WHERE "key" <> 'attrB') AS l GROUP BY data::text 

With 9.2 (or lower) it is not possible.


A more convenient form is to create a function, which can remove any number of attributes in a json field:

Edit 2: string_agg() is less expensive than array_to_string(array_agg())

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "json_object_delete_keys"("json" json, VARIADIC "keys_to_delete" TEXT[])   RETURNS json   LANGUAGE sql   IMMUTABLE   STRICT AS $function$ SELECT COALESCE(   (SELECT ('{' || string_agg(to_json("key") || ':' || "value", ',') || '}')    FROM json_each("json")    WHERE "key" <> ALL ("keys_to_delete")),   '{}' )::json $function$; 

With this function, all you need to do is to run the query below:

UPDATE my_table SET data = json_object_delete_keys(data, 'attrB'); 
like image 136
pozs Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10


This has gotten much easier with PostgreSQL 9.5 using the JSONB type. See JSONB operators documented here.

You can remove a top-level attribute with the "-" operator.

SELECT '{"a": {"key":"value"}, "b": 2, "c": true}'::jsonb - 'a' // -> {"b": 2, "c": true} 

You can use this within an update call to update an existing JSONB field.

UPDATE my_table SET data = data - 'attrB' 

You can also provide the attribute name dynamically via parameter if used in a function.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION delete_mytable_data_key(     _id integer,     _key character varying)   RETURNS void AS $BODY$ BEGIN     UPDATE my_table SET         data = data - _key     WHERE id = _id; END; $BODY$   LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE   COST 100; 

The reverse operator is the "||", in order to concatenate two JSONB packets together. Note that the right-most use of the attribute will overwrite any previous ones.

SELECT '{"a": true, "c": true}'::jsonb || '{"a": false, "b": 2}'::jsonb  // -> {"a": false, "b": 2, "c": true} 
like image 40
mujimu Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10
