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Printing integer variable and string on same line in SQL

People also ask

How do I print on the same line in SQL?

There is no built-in function for achieving this. Use concatenation and print. The way you write the code with while loop and print statement, there is no way other than concatenate and print the concatenated variable.

How do you print an integer and string together in darts?

Just add toString() to your int. Similar to JS.

Can you cast a string to an int in SQL?

CAST and CONVERT can be used to convert a string to a number of any data type. For example, you can convert a string to a number of data type INTEGER. TO_DATE converts a formatted date string to a date integer. TO_TIMESTAMP converts a formatted date and time string to a standard timestamp.

How do you assign a string value to a variable in SQL?

When a variable is first declared, its value is set to NULL. To assign a value to a variable, use the SET statement. This is the preferred method of assigning a value to a variable. A variable can also have a value assigned by being referenced in the select list of a SELECT statement.

declare @x INT = 1 /* Declares an integer variable named "x" with the value of 1 */
PRINT 'There are ' + CAST(@x AS VARCHAR) + ' alias combinations did not match a record' /* Prints a string concatenated with x casted as a varchar */

Numbers have higher precedence than strings so of course the + operators want to convert your strings into numbers before adding.

You could do:

print 'There are ' + CONVERT(varchar(10),@Number) +
      ' alias combinations did not match a record'

or use the (rather limited) formatting facilities of RAISERROR:

RAISERROR('There are %i alias combinations did not match a record',10,1,@Number)

You can't combine a character string and numeric string. You need to convert the number to a string using either CONVERT or CAST.

For example:

print 'There are ' + cast(@Number as varchar) + ' alias combinations did not match a record'


print 'There are ' + convert(varchar,@Number) + ' alias combinations did not match a record'

Double check if you have set and initial value for int and decimal values to be printed.

This sample is printing an empty line

declare @Number INT
print 'The number is : ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @Number)

And this sample is printing -> The number is : 1

declare @Number INT = 1
print 'The number is : ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @Number)

You may try this one,

declare @Number INT = 5                            
print 'There are ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @Number) + ' alias combinations did not match a record'

If you don't want to manually cast types, you can use the CONCAT-function for this.

PRINT CONCAT('There are ', @Number, ' alias combinations did not match a record')