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Resources for TDD aimed at Python Web Development [closed]

I am a hacker not and not a full-time programmer but am looking to start my own full application development experiment. I apologize if I am missing something easy here. I am looking for recommendations for books, articles, sites, etc for learning more about test driven development specifically compatible with or aimed at Python web application programming. I understand that Python has built-in tools to assist. What would be the best way to learn about these outside of RTFM? I have searched on StackOverflow and found the Kent Beck's and David Astels book on the subject. I have also bookmarked the Wikipedia article as it has many of these types of resources.

Are there any particular ones you would recommend for this language/application?

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Null Route Avatar asked Jan 24 '09 21:01

Null Route

People also ask

Is Pytest a TDD?

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development practice that requires us to incrementally write tests for features we want to add. It leverages automated testing suites, like pytest - a testing framework for Python programs.

What is TDD in Django?

Test Driven Development (TDD) is an iterative development cycle that emphasizes writing automated tests before writing the actual code. The process is simple: Write your tests first. Watch them fail. Write just enough code to make those tests pass.

1 Answers

I wrote a series of blogs on TDD in Django that covers some TDD with the nose testing framework.

There are a lot of free online resources out there for learning about TDD:

  • The c2 wiki article gives good background on general TDD philosophy.
  • The onlamp article is a simple introduction.
  • Here's a presentation on TDD with game development in pygame that really helped me understand TDD.

For testing web applications, test first or otherwise, I'd recommend twill and selenium as tools to use.

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Ryan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10
