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Title for colorbar in Plotly Heatmap

This is my code:

fig = go.Figure(
    data=go.Heatmap(z=z_values, y=[str(x) for x in params_1], x=[str(x) for x in params_2]), 
        title="Analysis results",
        yaxis=dict(title='Max Distance')

It generates a 2D-heatmap (snippet below), but I'd like to include a title for the colorbar:

enter image description here

Unfortunately the plotly example also does not have a colorbar title. I have tried to include the colorbar properties with the "marker" but this throws an error. How can I do that hence?

like image 728
TestGuest Avatar asked Nov 26 '19 21:11


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1 Answers


fig = go.Figure(
    data=go.Heatmap(z=z_values, y=[str(x) for x in params_1], x=[str(x) for x in params_2]), 
colorbar=dict(title='Title') , 
        title="Analysis results",
        yaxis=dict(title='Max Distance')
like image 133
abhilb Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09
