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Resize NSWindows with easing animation

I'm trying to resize an NSWindow (the main one) with a nice easing animation (EaseOut).

I can use the [NSWindow animator] but I havn't found a way to add the easing effect.

Do you have an idea or code sample which can help me to do that?

like image 731
kaal101 Avatar asked Jun 03 '11 09:06


1 Answers

Option 1

float Y = 100;
float X = 200;

NSRect frame = [window frame];

frame.origin.y -= Y;
frame.size.height += Y;
frame.size.width += X;

[window setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];

Option 2

float Y = 100;
float X = 200;

NSRect frame = [window frame];

frame.origin.y -= Y;
frame.size.height += Y;
frame.size.width += X;

NSDictionary *windowResize = @{
    NSViewAnimationTargetKey: window,
    NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey: [NSValue valueWithRect:frame]
NSDictionary *oldFadeOut = @{
    NSViewAnimationTargetKey: [NSNull null],
    NSViewAnimationEffectKey: NSViewAnimationFadeOutEffect
NSDictionary *newFadeIn = @{
    NSViewAnimationTargetKey: [NSNull null],
    NSViewAnimationEffectKey: NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect

NSArray *animations = @[windowResize, newFadeIn, oldFadeOut];
NSViewAnimation *animation = [[NSViewAnimation alloc] initWithViewAnimations: animations];

[animation setAnimationBlockingMode: NSAnimationBlocking];
[animation setAnimationCurve: NSAnimationEaseIn];
[animation setDuration: 2];     
[animation startAnimation]; 
like image 83
Anne Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11
