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Reshaping a Table in R - Better Approach?

I have a data frame of factors called questions

q1 q2 q3
A  A  B
C  A  A
A  B  C

That I want to reshape into

question answer freq
1        A      2
1        B      0
1        C      1
2        A      2
2        B      1
2        C      0
3        A      1
3        B      1
3        C      1

I feel like there should be a way to this with reshape2 or plyr, but I couldn't figure it out.

Instead, I did the following:

tbl <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:dim(questions)[2]){
    subtable <- cbind(question = rep(i, 3),
    tbl <- rbind(tbl, subtable)

Is there a cleaner approach to reshaping this table?

like image 401
user2689931 Avatar asked Apr 17 '15 15:04


People also ask

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The easiest way to reshape data between these formats is to use the following two functions from the tidyr package in R: pivot_longer(): Reshapes a data frame from wide to long format. pivot_wider(): Reshapes a data frame from long to wide format.

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What is reshaping in R?

Data Visualization using R Programming Data Reshaping in R is about changing the way data is organized into rows and columns. Most of the time data processing in R is done by taking the input data as a data frame.

2 Answers

Here's a base R approach that is similar in concept to what @akrun has posted. I haven't bothered with the cleaning up since that's mostly cosmetic and isn't related to the concept of the question.

The general approach would be:


However, stack won't work with factors, so if your data are factors and not characters, you will have to convert using as.character first, like this:

data.frame(table(stack(lapply(mydf, as.character))))
#   values ind Freq
# 1      A  q1    2
# 2      B  q1    0
# 3      C  q1    1
# 4      A  q2    2
# 5      B  q2    1
# 6      C  q2    0
# 7      A  q3    1
# 8      B  q3    1
# 9      C  q3    1

Moving away from "plyr" and "reshape2" and instead towards "dplyr" and "tidyr", you can try:


mydf %>% 
  gather(question, answer, everything()) %>%  ## Get the data into a long form
  group_by(question, answer) %>%              ## Group by both question and answer columns
  summarise(freq = n()) %>%                   ## Calculate the relevant frequency
  right_join(expand(., question, answer))     ## Merge with all combinations of Qs and As
# Joining by: c("question", "answer")
# Source: local data frame [9 x 3]
# Groups: question
#   question answer freq
# 1       q1      A    2
# 2       q1      B   NA
# 3       q1      C    1
# 4       q2      A    2
# 5       q2      B    1
# 6       q2      C   NA
# 7       q3      A    1
# 8       q3      B    1
# 9       q3      C    1
like image 54
A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1 Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 00:10


Yeah, it's a little tricky because of the zeros. After melting, instead of casting directly into the form you need, cast into wide form and then melt again. There's probably a just as easy was using base R and table though.

d <- read.table(text="q1 q2 q3
                       A  A  B
                       C  A  A
                       A  B  C", header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE)
melt(dcast(melt(d, measure.vars=1:3), value ~ variable))

## Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length
## Using value as id variables
##   value variable value
## 1     A       q1     2
## 2     B       q1     0
## 3     C       q1     1
## 4     A       q2     2
## 5     B       q2     1
## 6     C       q2     0
## 7     A       q3     1
## 8     B       q3     1
## 9     C       q3     1
like image 3
Aaron left Stack Overflow Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 23:10

Aaron left Stack Overflow