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Resetting a form in Angular 2 after submit

I am aware that Angular 2 currently lacks a way to easily reset a form to a pristine state. Poking around I have found a solution like the one below that resets the form fields.

It has been suggested that I need to drop the control group and create a new one to rebuild the form as pristine. I am having difficulty figuring out the best way to do this. I know I need to wrap the form building within a function but I am running into errors when doing that within the constructor.

What would be the best way to rebuild the control group to completely reset the form?

class App {      name: Control;     username: Control;     email: Control;      form: ControlGroup;      constructor(private builder: FormBuilder) {          this.name = new Control('', Validators.required);         this.email = new Control('', Validators.required);         this.username = new Control('', Validators.required);          this.form = builder.group({             name: this.name,             email: this.email,             username: this.username         });     }      onSubmit(value: any): void {           // code that happens when form is submitted         // then reset the form         this.reset();     }      reset() {         for (let name in this.form.controls) {             this.form.controls[name].updateValue('');             this.form.controls[name].setErrors(null);         }     } } 
like image 398
lukemcd Avatar asked Apr 15 '16 20:04


People also ask

How do you reset a form after submit in angular?

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; In Reactive forms, we need to import FormGroup from '@angular/forms' . After importing the above-mentioned modules in the respective approach, angular forms module provides an inbuilt method called reset(). We can use the method and we can reset the form.

How do you reset the template driven form?

To reset template-driven form, NgForm provides resetForm() method that is called as following. To call the above function, create a button in UI. If we want to reset form with some default values, then assign the default values with form control name of the form.

How would you reset all objects on a form?

If you take a look at the reset button of the first form, Toggle submit, you will notice that it calls a method resetForm() on the click event of the button. Similarly the second form, Always submit, calls a method reset() . Both methods are called on the heroForm object.

2 Answers

>= RC.6

Support resetting forms and maintain a submitted state.



this.form = new FormGroup()...; 

importat update

To set the Form controls to a state when the form is created, like validators, some additional measurements are necessary

In the view part of the form (html) add an *ngIf to show or hide the form

<form *ngIf="showForm" 

In the component side of the form (*.ts) do this

  showForm:boolean = true;    onSubmit(value:any):void {     this.showForm = false;     setTimeout(() => {     this.reset()       this.showForm = true;     });   } 

Here is a more detailed example:

export class CreateParkingComponent implements OnInit {   createParkingForm: FormGroup ;   showForm = true ;    constructor(     private formBuilder: FormBuilder,     private parkingService: ParkingService,     private snackBar: MatSnackBar) {        this.prepareForm() ;   }    prepareForm() {     this.createParkingForm = this.formBuilder.group({       'name': ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.minLength(5)])],       'company': ['', Validators.minLength(5)],       'city': ['', Validators.required],       'address': ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.minLength(10)])],       'latitude': [''],       'longitude': [''],       'phone': ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.minLength(7)])],       'pictureUrl': [''],       // process the 3 input values of the maxCapacity'       'pricingText': ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.minLength(10)])],       'ceilingType': ['', Validators.required],     });   }    ngOnInit() {   }     resetForm(form: FormGroup) {     this.prepareForm();   }    createParkingSubmit() {     // Hide the form while the submit is done     this.showForm = false ;      // In this case call the backend and react to the success or fail answer      this.parkingService.create(p).subscribe(       response => {         console.log(response);         this.snackBar.open('Parqueadero creado', 'X', {duration: 3000});         setTimeout(() => {           //reset the form and show it again           this.prepareForm();             this.showForm = true;           });       }       , error => {         console.log(error);         this.showForm = true ;         this.snackBar.open('ERROR: al crear Parqueadero:' + error.message);       }       );   } } 

Plunker example

original <= RC.5 Just move the code that creates the form to a method and call it again after you handled submit:

@Component({   selector: 'form-component',   template: `     <form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit($event)" [ngFormModel]="form">        <input type="test" ngControl="name">        <input type="test" ngControl="email">        <input type="test" ngControl="username">        <button type="submit">submit</button>     </form>     <div>name: {{name.value}}</div>     <div>email: {{email.value}}</div>     <div>username: {{username.value}}</div> ` }) class FormComponent {    name:Control;   username:Control;   email:Control;    form:ControlGroup;    constructor(private builder:FormBuilder) {     this.createForm();   }    createForm() {     this.name = new Control('', Validators.required);     this.email = new Control('', Validators.required);     this.username = new Control('', Validators.required);      this.form = this.builder.group({       name: this.name,       email: this.email,       username: this.username     });   }    onSubmit(value:any):void {     // code that happens when form is submitted     // then reset the form     this.reset();   }    reset() {     this.createForm();   } } 

Plunker example

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Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11

Günter Zöchbauer

Use NgForm's .resetForm() rather than .reset() because it is the method that is officially documented in NgForm's public api. (Ref [1])

<form (ngSubmit)="mySubmitHandler(); myNgForm.resetForm()" #myNgForm="ngForm"> 

The .resetForm() method will reset the NgForm's FormGroup and set it's submit flag to false (See [2]).

Tested in @angular versions 2.4.8 and 4.0.0-rc3

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Somo S. Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11

Somo S.