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Lint error: Implement lifecycle hook interfaces





Hey everyone I got a linting error and I am not sure what it is talking about, this is the error: src/app/particles/particles.component.ts[4, 1]: Implement lifecycle hook interfaces (https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/style-guide.html#!#09-01) Row nr 4 is the @Component({ line

I have read the link it gives and I get what it tries to tell me ( atleast I think so :) ) but I can't see how it applies in this case.

Thanks for any assistance.

import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, HostListener} from '@angular/core'; import { Particle } from './particle';  @Component({   selector: 'km-particles',   styles: ['canvas { transition: opacity 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1);}'],   template: ` <canvas #canvas               [attr.width]='width'               [attr.height]='height'               [style.opacity]='opacity'>               </canvas>` }) export class ParticlesComponent {    private ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;   private width: number;   private height: number;   private opacity: number;   private particles: Particle[];   private particleClearLoop: any;    public playParticles: boolean;    // get the element with the #canvas on it   @ViewChild('canvas') canvas: ElementRef;    // on window resize, restart the animation with the new boundaries   @HostListener('window:resize', ['$event'])   OnResize(event: Event) {     this.initAnim();   }    constructor() {     this.opacity = 0;   }    // wait for the view to init before using the element   ngAfterViewInit() {     this.ctx = this.canvas.nativeElement.getContext('2d');      // ok all is ready, start the particle animation     this.initAnim();   }    createParticles() {     this.particles = [];     // let's make us some particles     for (let i = 0; i < 150; i++) {       this.particles.push(new Particle());     }   }    draw() {     // clear canvas     this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);      // draw the particles     this.particles.forEach((particle) => {        particle.timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now());       particle.counter = particle.sign * (particle.timestamp / particle.speed * Math.PI);        this.ctx.beginPath();       // define the circleparticle       this.ctx.arc( particle.xPos + particle.radius * Math.cos(particle.counter / 100),                     particle.yPos + particle.radius * Math.sin(particle.counter / 100),                     particle.width,                     0,                     Math.PI * 2,                     false);        this.ctx.globalAlpha = particle.alpha;       this.ctx.fillStyle = particle.color;       this.ctx.fill();      });      if (this.playParticles) {       requestAnimationFrame(this.draw.bind(this)); // AGAIN!     }    }    // init resize and make the particles   initAnim() {     this.playParticles = false;     this.opacity = 0; // so we don't see the flicker      clearInterval(this.particleClearLoop);      this.particleClearLoop = setTimeout(() => {       this.opacity = 1;       this.playParticles = true;       this.resize();       this.createParticles();       this.draw();     }, 500);   }    // method that resizes the canvas to the full width/height of the window   resize() {     this.width = window.innerWidth;     this.height = window.innerHeight;   } } 
like image 647
Björn Hjorth Avatar asked Aug 25 '16 19:08

Björn Hjorth

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1 Answers

you are using ngAfterViewInit Lifecycle Hook, you just need to add below to make TSLint happy,

export class ParticlesComponent implements AfterViewInit 

Hope this helps!!

like image 103
Madhu Ranjan Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10

Madhu Ranjan