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Reset state in Common Lisp

Newbie Common Lisp question here.

Is there a way to reset the state of the environment? What I mean, is there some command that brings the REPL back to the same state it was right after it started up, that is, uninterning all variables, functions, etc. Or if that's not in the Common Lisp standard, is there some extension in SBCL (the implementation I use) to do that?

(EDIT: I know that in SLIME, M-x slime-restart-inferior-lisp does that but I wonder if there's a way without restarting the process)

like image 637
Tamas Czinege Avatar asked Sep 16 '10 10:09

Tamas Czinege

1 Answers

Not in general, no. I occasionally want to do something like that, so my workflow is generally to create a new package to hold whatever project I'm starting, then when I want to reset things I use DELETE-PACKAGE. I never do any work in the CL-USER package, since different implementations have different things stuffed into it.

like image 58
Xach Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10
