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Requests to non-existing pages that all include "undefined”

Some odd requests appear on our logs since ~October 20, 2014. They've increased to about a few dozens a day so while not a big problem, it's still interesting to find out the reason.

Earlier ones:

REQUEST[/en/undefinedsf_main.jsp?clientVersion=null&dlsource=null&CTID=null&userId=userIdFail&statsReporter=false] REFERER[http://colnect.com/en/coins]
REQUEST[/fr/undefined/GoogleExtension/deals.html?url=http://colnect.com&subid=STERKLY&appName=HypeNet&pos=2&frameId=buaovbluurbavptkwyaybzjrqweypsbavwrviv] REFERER[http://colnect.com/fr]
REQUEST[/br/stamps/undefined49507173c45043eba6dfb9da540e52de&chnl=slmbBRex&evt=DailyPing&prd=vbates&seg=1&ext=1&rnd=65983fb77b62e25cc2a8ef15af18273d] REFERER[http://colnect.com/br/stamps/countries]

Some current ones:

REQ[/ru/collectors/collector/undefined] REF[http://colnect.com/ru/collectors/collector/jokitsos]
REQ[/th/collectors/collector/undefined] REF[http://colnect.com/th/collectors/collector/VRABEC]
REQUEST[/en/account/undefined] REFERER[http://colnect.com/en/account/request_password]
REQUEST[/pt/stamps/undefined] REFERER[http://colnect.com/pt/stamps/years]

Some requests are by logged in members and some not.

I'd guess some Javascript on their browser is trying to call a url by some uninitialized variable thus the "undefined".

Reasons may be similar to Odd requests to non-existing pages that all include "6_S3_" (perhaps malware) but I'm wondering if this might be a different reason.

I do doubt it's a bug on our client side Javascript as this would generate much more than a few dozens of such requests a day from about a million daily page views.

Any ideas? Is it worth pursuing?

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Collector Avatar asked Mar 20 '15 07:03


1 Answers

This is a big concern, but it's not coming from you.

These are Javascript Injection attacks (client machine malware) using self-signed root certificate.

Specifically, sf_main.html, and deals.html have been linked to Superfish, which has been shipping with Lenovo's recently. As Lenovo has been pushing its new lines of PC's, reports of the attacks have blown up recently.

These Man-in-the-middle attacks start by hijacking the client's requests and and then injecting HTML and Javascript.

The reason there are so many undefined symbols is because Superfish, true to it's name, is fishing for plugins, extensions, and libraries it can take advantage of using their expected names, tokens, and paths. This is brute force XSS.

Oh, no, what can I do??

Little. Not much.

As the requests are being hijacked on the client machine and by http request hijacking, you won't know the difference. You could try to "fish" for certain kind of hostile "indicators" but now you are doing the work of Anti-Malware.

Lenovo claims that

SuperFish has completely disabled server side interactions (since January) on all Lenovo products so that the software product is no longer active, effectively disabling SuperFish for all products in the market

While I trust the sincerity of China-based Lenovo, which has serious market interests in the Western world, I wouldn't trust the word of China based malware company Superfish.

These attacks are less a problem for you than your customers

Unless you work for a big bank or popular Social Networking site, it's highly unlikely that Malware like Superfish, has targeted you specifically. Your customer's bank and social network accounts are at risk, but not because of anything you did or can do to stop it.

As always, the cure for client side fishing attacks is good client side protection.

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Dave Alperovich Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11

Dave Alperovich