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Is it possible to have multiple dynamic method names in a class?

I'm reading through the ES6 class information on Babel.js's documentation and noticed that it says that objects can now have dynamic property names:

var obj = {

    // Computed (dynamic) property names
    [ "prop_" + (() => 42)() ]: 42

This seems like it would be useful in classes as well. Is it possible to do something similar in an ES6 class without doing it in a constructor, i.e.:

class Foo {
  [ "read" + (...)(['format1', 'format2']) ] {
    // my format reading function

rather than doing something like this in the constructor:

class Foo {
  constructor(opts) {
    let formats = ['format1', 'format2'];
    let self = this;

    formats.forEach(function(format) {
      self["read" + format] = function() {
        // my format reading function

In other words, I want to be able to take some array, such as ['format1', 'format2'] and create two methods, readformat1 and readformat2, in the class dynamically, without using the constructor. Is this possible?

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josh Avatar asked Mar 09 '15 04:03


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1 Answers

Yes, it's possible, you only missed the required () for the method signature:

class Foo {
  [ "read" + ((format) => format)(myFormat) ]() {
    // my format reading function          // ^--- this what missed

Babel repl: long and ugly url here

As of your updated question: it's not possible (at least I'm not aware of it). So you can create methods with names resolved in runtime, but you cannot create N methods from the array using that syntax.

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zerkms Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09
