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Simulate click on GMail div button with JS

I want to simulate click on GMail COMPOSE button using JS without JQuery.

Here is button:

<div class="T-I J-J5-Ji T-I-KE L3" role="button" tabindex="0" gh="cm" 
style="-webkit-user-select: none;">COMPOSE</div>

Here is my js:

var element = document.getElementsByClassName('T-I-KE')[0];

Result:undefined in all browsers

Image: http://i.imgur.com/4IX9DZX.png

Already tried that:

var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
var element=document.getElementsByClassName("T-I-KE")[0];

Result:true. But nothing happens.

Image: http://i.imgur.com/pwVqukP.png

like image 681
Mikolaytis Avatar asked Feb 12 '15 12:02


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1 Answers

After two days i am finally got an answer!

That button listens mouseDown and mouseUP events. Working code:

var down = new MouseEvent('mousedown');
var up = new MouseEvent('mouseup');
var elem = document.getElementsByClassName("T-I-KE")[0];
like image 147
Mikolaytis Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10
