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Repository is not clean. Please commit or stash any changes before updating In Angular 8


Repository is not clean. Please commit or stash any changes before updating

when i have updated from version 7 to Angular 8.

Angular Guide for upgrade https://update.angular.io/#7.0:8.0

  D:\app-test> ng update @angular/cli @angular/core                npm cache verify 

Repository is not clean. Please commit or stash any changes before updating.

Update Version

    PS D:\app-test> ng update                 Using package manager: 'npm'                 Collecting installed dependencies...                 Found 58 dependencies.                     We analyzed your package.json, there are some packages to update:                        Name                               Version                  Command to update                      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------                       @angular/cdk                       7.2.2 -> 8.0.1           ng update @angular/cdk                       @angular/core                      7.2.15 -> 8.0.1          ng update @angular/core                       @angular/core                      7.2.2 -> 7.2.15          ng update @angular/core                       @angular/material                  7.3.7 -> 8.0.1           ng update @angular/material                       rxjs                               6.3.3 -> 6.5.2           ng update rxjs                       There might be additional packages that are outdated.                     Run "ng update --all" to try to update all at the same time.                  PS D:\app-test> ng update @angular/cdk                 Repository is not clean.  Please commit or stash any changes before updating. 

i have checked git was not installed in project.

solution that worked

   git commit  

After Googling i have This is happening After Angular 8.



like image 550
afeef Avatar asked Jun 26 '19 13:06


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What does ng update do?

Syntax. ng update command updates the application and its dependencies.

1 Answers

It's a bug in Angular 8

you can work around it by using:

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core --allow-dirty

like image 123
Abdullah Adeeb Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10

Abdullah Adeeb