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Argument of type 'string | null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string'

I have a dotnetcore 20 and angular4 project that I am trying to create a userService and get the user to my home component. The backend works just fine but the service doesn't. The problem is on localStorage. The error message that I have is :

Argument of type 'string | null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string'.

And my userService

import { User } from './../models/users'; import { AppConfig } from './../../app.config'; import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Http, Headers, RequestOptions, Response } from '@angular/http';    @Injectable() export class UserService { constructor(private http: Http, private config: AppConfig) { }  getAll() {     return this.http.get(this.config.apiUrl + '/users', this.jwt()).map((response: Response) => response.json()); }  getById(_id: string) {     return this.http.get(this.config.apiUrl + '/users/' + _id, this.jwt()).map((response: Response) => response.json()); }  create(user: User) {     return this.http.post(this.config.apiUrl + '/users/register', user, this.jwt()); }  update(user: User) {     return this.http.put(this.config.apiUrl + '/users/' + user.id, user, this.jwt()); }  delete(_id: string) {     return this.http.delete(this.config.apiUrl + '/users/' + _id, this.jwt()); }  // private helper methods  private jwt() {     // create authorization header with jwt token     let currentUser = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('currentUser'));     if (currentUser && currentUser.token) {         let headers = new Headers({ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + currentUser.token });         return new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });     } } 

And my home.component.ts is

import { UserService } from './../services/user.service'; import { User } from './../models/users'; import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';  @Component({ moduleId: module.id, templateUrl: 'home.component.html' })  export class HomeComponent implements OnInit { currentUser: User; users: User[] = [];  constructor(private userService: UserService) {    this.currentUser = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('currentUser')); }  ngOnInit() {    this.loadAllUsers(); }  deleteUser(_id: string) {    this.userService.delete(_id).subscribe(() => { this.loadAllUsers() }); }  private loadAllUsers() {    this.userService.getAll().subscribe(users => { this.users = users; }); } 

The error is on JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('currentUser'));

like image 487
GoGo Avatar asked Oct 24 '17 15:10


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1 Answers

As the error says, localStorage.getItem() can return either a string or null. JSON.parse() requires a string, so you should test the result of localStorage.getItem() before you try to use it.

For example:

this.currentUser = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('currentUser') || '{}'); 

or perhaps:

const userJson = localStorage.getItem('currentUser'); this.currentUser = userJson !== null ? JSON.parse(userJson) : new User(); 

See also the answer from Willem De Nys. If you are confident that the localStorage.getItem() call can never return null you can use the non-null assertion operator to tell typescript that you know what you are doing:

this.currentUser = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('currentUser')!); 
like image 90
Duncan Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09
