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Repo browser in svn "Repository moved permanently to... please relocate"




In the repo browser when I enter the svn root (http://servername/svn) directory I get this message "Repository moved permanently to 'http//....' please relocate

There are several projects in this repository and I can access/checkout/update each project but I can't even access the root.

How can I fix this?

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Randeep Avatar asked Jan 14 '10 23:01


2 Answers

I'm assuming that you're not the server admin and that you're relatively new to svn...

You'll need to tell your working copies that the remote repo has moved (see the svn book for info on how to do this). You'll also need to use the new root for your remote repo browsing.

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PeterJCLaw Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10


I got the same message because I had a double underline character within one folder name; e. g. SVNPath C:/xampp/my/path/to/the/repo/with/double/__underline/repo-folder

I removed them and it works (remember restarting the webserver)

like image 33
Richard W Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10

Richard W