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Update git-svn git mirror without redownloading everything

I made a git mirror of a svn repository using

    git svn clone svn://svn.svnrepo.com

I uploaded it to github and was able to update the local repo using

    git svn rebase svn://svn.svnrepo.com

and push the updates to github

Later after I had deleted the local copy I wanted to update the remote again

So I cloned the git repo

    git clone git://git.gitrepo.com

But when I tried to rebase I got an error

    git svn rebase svn://svn.svnrepo.com

    Data from a previous version of git-svn exists, but

    (required for this version ( of git-svn) does not exist.

    Done migrating from a git-svn v1 layout

then it gives an Unable to determine upstream SVN information from HEAD history error

Ive tried:

    git svn init svn://svn.svnrepo.com


    git svn fetch

but that starts a re-download of the entire svn repo which takes over 24 hours The current svn revision is marked by the git-svn-id in the commit log and seems fine, how do I stop git svn fetch from re-fetching files that already exist or rebase it without an entire re-download? This mirror never had commits that would make it different from the svn upstream.

like image 312
jhilliar Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 09:11


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1 Answers

just need to run the following commands

git config svn-remote.svn.url $SVN_URL
git config svn-remote.svn.fetch :refs/remotes/git-svn
svn2git --rebase

or you can also manually edit .git/config to add the svn-remote section:

[svn-remote "svn"]
    url = SVN_URL
    fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn

and from now on just svn2git --rebase


PS: credit to my sources:

  • http://blog.tfnico.com/2010/08/syncing-your-git-repo-with-subversion.html
  • How can I reconnect a git repository with a svn repository?
like image 138
arhak Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
