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Error in jenkins during sonar analysis caused by svn blame

When i run the jenkins task i get the following error

17:12:49.738 INFO  - Sensor SCM Sensor...
17:12:49.847 INFO  - SCM provider for this project is: svn
17:12:49.847 INFO  - Retrieve SCM blame information...
17:12:49.863 INFO  - 843 files to be analyzed
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total time: 1:11.026s
Final Memory: 31M/214M
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: Error during Sonar runner execution
ERROR: Unable to execute Sonar
ERROR: Caused by: The svn blame command [svn blame --xml --non-interactive -x -w src/com/musigma/muPDNA/RESTClient/ServiceClient.as] failed: svn: E215004:

When i try to delete the .svn folder and run the sonar runner, it works fine. I have tried to ignore the svn files and svn folder, also i have tried to disable the blame option in the sonar but without any possible outcome.

Which is the right way to do this ??

its not mentioned anywhere. I want to eliminate the error caused by blame(svn) but I don't want to delete the ".svn" folder before the analysis(which is the only way i'm able to get it working)

like image 793
Tejus Prasad Avatar asked Feb 13 '15 12:02

Tejus Prasad

1 Answers

In SonarQube v4, go to your project's dashboard and then to Project Configuration \ Settings (top right under the Search box).

Click the SCM Activity link in the Category list and change the "Activation of..." drop down to false.

enter image description here

You can change the default on the global settings page.

like image 119
Paul Medcraft Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10

Paul Medcraft